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Saturday October 16, 2010 2:15 am

Red: Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, DC Comics,

Gee, what movie should I see this weekend?

I could, of course, see Jackass 3-D because you can never see enough footage of people getting kicked in the balls. And in 3-D it might feel like I'm doing the kicking.

Hereafter looks cool, and I'll get around to seeing that shortly. Conviction has that kind of mid-October Oscar bait feel to it, where everyone is suicidal or finds salvation through tragedy or suffers from a tragic disease yet still finds time to teach us about life. But I'm not falling for that this weekend.

But the one I most want to see this weekend? Red. It's based on a Wildstorm Comics mini-series by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner. I enjoyed the series, and I'd like to see the movie version succeed if only to give Wildstorm a nice parting gift as DC closes them down.

Red stands for Retired, Extremely Dangerous, about CIA agents who can't remain retired. Shooting of automatic weapons will commence. This action spectacular stars Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Mary-Louise Parker, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich (looking more like Max Gail as he ages).

The director, Robert Schwentke, is also working on another comic book movie, R.I.P.D. (Rest In Peace Department) for 2012.

So I'm all in.

[Artwork: Helen Mirren from Red]



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