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Thursday September 10, 2009 11:11 am
A day in the life of the newly-unemployed comic book president.
9am: Launch new blog:
9:15am: “Office of Paul Levitz. Paul speaking.” “Hi, it’s Paul.” “This is Paul.” Practice answering own phone.
9:30am: Conference call with Jemas, Alessi, Jeanette, Shooter and Rosenberg. Make plans for regular poker game.
9:45am: 3 emails from Mark Millar. Not my problem. Delete-delete-delete.
10:20am: How’s this iPhone thing work again?
11am: Drop by DC. Place Carlin in charge of E. Nelson Bridwell’s ashes.
11:15am: Talk to Bob Wayne. Get added to comp list.
11:30am: Human Resources…inhuman resources…could be title for new mini-series.
Noon: Lunch with Diane. Try to explain all the different Robins and Batgirls to her. She keeps getting Streaky the Supercat and Comet The Super-Horse mixed up. Should I even mention Beppo?
1:15pm: Ask total stranger for directions to iTunes store. Total stranger…could be title for complete Phantom Stranger archives? I’ll text Dan.
1:16pm: Oops. Accidentally texted my wife. She likes the idea, though.
1:30pm: Make deal with Jim Hanley for my duplicate trades.
1:45pm: Update resume to include “New Legion Writer: 2009-Present”
2:00pm: Launch Comic Reader archives website. How does Google’s Adsense work again?
2:15pm: Wonder if I can still appear on the DVD extras for “Jonah Hex.” That Megan Fox sure is yummy.
3:10pm: Ellen’s monologue was really funny today.
3:20pm: “This is Paul’s house.” “Freelance writer Paul Levitz at your service.” Still practicing with phone.
3:30pm: Great! Geoff Johns needs a roomie for next year’s San Diego. Pillow fight!
4:05pm: Great. Unemployment got my Social Security number wrong. Again.
4:30pm: Roll around in pile of Time Warner stock options. Now I know how Carl Barks’ characters feel.
5:00-5:15pm: Plot new Legion story. Oh Fatal Five, how I’ve missed you! Must ask Dan who’s writing Aquaman now.
5:30pm: Ike Perlmutter on line 2?
Stay tuned for more in the continuing saga of “Paul Levitz: Writer At Large!”
- Related Tags:
- comic book president, dc, dc comics, dc entertainment, former dc president, paul levitz
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