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Thursday September 17, 2009 4:06 pm

Marvel Comics Review: Captain America: Reborn #3

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,


Rating: ****

Another great issue for this series.  In our last issue, Bucky and the Black Widow were captured by Norman and Obsborn.  Norman has released to the media that Sharon Carter was the second shooter in the assassination of Captain America.  He released the Black Widow and said that unless she returns with Sharon Carter, Bucky is dead.

Our story opens with Cap continuing to jump through time to different points in his life.  Cap has now jumped to the time when he was frozen in ice.  During this period, Cap was worshiped by local tribe as some sort of ice god.  Namor arrives and is angry at the natives and picks up the block of ice and launches back into the ocean.  Steve narrates the scene and it seems this isn’t the first time he’s visited this point in time.  He says that he tries to cry out for help every time, but it never works.  We then flash to the present where Reed Richards and the present Namor are at the same spot.  Namor brings up Steve’s glass coffin, only to see his body disappear! 

Bucky is on a plane and is being held by Osborn’s Thunderbolts.  They’re taking him to see Osborn, but of course one of them, the villain Scourge, has to rough him up a bit. He also touches the shield.  A big no no and we know how this will end.

Sharon is feeling guilty and is contemplating turning herself in.

Cap on the other hand continues jumping and lands in the middle of the Kree-Skrull War.  He sees the Vision and he gets an idea.  Cap thinks that by telling the Vision what’s happening to him and having him download that information into a safe place so that that information can then be used in the future to find a solution to his problem.

Sam Wilson, The Falcon rescues Bucky and Bucky happily pays the Scourge back for putting his stinkin’ hands on Cap’s shield.  Unfortunately, it’s too late as Sharon Carter surrenders to Norman Osborn.

We end with Sin and Crossbones reuniting with the Red Skull whose mind is currently residing in the robotic body of Arnim Zola.  Sin and Crossbones hand the Skull an old Red Skull mask and he places it over his head.  If this wasn’t a comic book, this would have been a very funny scene.  Good stuff.

Only two more issues to go.  Love the story.  I’m wondering though if writer Ed Brubaker will wrap up this story here or continue it in the regular Cap title.  It almost seems you would need more than just two more issues to wrap things up.  Whatever the case, it’s still good.  A lot of action and some great artwork.  Still recommend this series.



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