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Thursday March 5, 2009 4:00 pm

LOST Review 3/4/09

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Television,


This week’s episode was entitled, “LaFleur”. It is entitled “LaFleur” as this is the new name that Sawyer goes by - I explain why later. If I had to describe this week’s episode in a sentence I would say that this episode was one serious mind #@%$! Last week’s episode left us with Locke resurrected and back on the island after the crash of Flight 316. This week we see the story of Sawyer and his crew after Locke disappeared in the well - and it’s some story.

At first I had a bit of difficulty following what was going on, but it soon kicked in after something Daniel said.


Prior to Locke fixing the time wheel underneath the island, Sawyer and his crew were jumping to various moments in time on the island. With the wheel fixed, we discover they are now stuck in the year 1974 - 30 years before the crash of Flight 815. I wonder if that is significant that it’s 30 years prior. We’ll see.

This episode had me a bit discombobulated at first. What was the statue that Sawyer and his crew saw after the time jumps stopped? It’s funny, I was talking with fellow Comix blogger Joel sometime ago and he mentioned the four-toed statue that we saw at the end of season 2. He felt that this plotline was something the “LOST” writers would not revisit as they may have thrown it in there at the time and now they don’t know where to go with it. Well, I guess Joel was wrong. It’s obvious that this large statue is the four-toed statue prior to it’s being destroyed. The questions are who or what destroyed it and who is the statue of? 

Sawyer’s group comes across two men about to kill a woman. We soon discover that these men are “Others” and that the woman Amy and her husband, who was killed by the Others, are a part of the Dharma Initiative. Sawyer and Juliet kill the Others and go with Amy and the body of her deceased husband back to the Dharma camp.  It’s safe to assume these events take place prior to the purge where Ben and the Others kill everyone in Dharma and take over the camp.

Sawyer and the group enter the Dharma camp and Sawyer takes on the name LaFleur to hide his identity. Sawyer says that he is a ship captain and that they were shipwrecked on the island. 

As I said before, in this time period the Others exist.  There is a truce between Dharma and the Others and Richard Alpert, their leader, shows up at camp wanting retribution for the deaths of his people (the two Others who were going to kill Amy.)  Sawyer is able to convince him to back off as he tells Richard of the events that happened to Locke and Daniel with Richard in 1954. Sawyer and his group stay on and live in the 70s for the next 3 years where they join Dharma and Sawyer and Juliet are now lovers.

Horace Goodspeed (whom we last saw 2 seasons ago) is the leader of Dharma in this time period.  In the 3 years since Sawyer arrived, we see Horace has hooked up with Amy. She gives birth to a boy in this episode with the help of Juliet. We know babies die when they are on the island. Will this one die as well? Is this baby significant to the “LOST” puzzle? Horace wonders with Sawyer whether 3 years is enough to get over someone as Horace wonders if Amy still loves her deceased husband. Sawyer says yes as he feels he has gotten over his pass love Kate. Which brings us to the end of the episode as Jin calls Sawyer and tells him to meet him. There Sawyer sees the return of Hurley, Jack, and Kate. Does Sawyer still think he’s over her? By the look on his face, I would say no.

I feel so sorry for Juliet. She falls in love Goodwin when she first gets to the island who ends up dead after he’s sent on a mission to infiltrate the crash of Flight 815. All thanks to Ben as he knew that it was dangerous and it could end badly. She falls for Jack who is attracted to her and supports her, but he still loves Kate and now here Juliet is here with Sawyer whom she falls for, but Sawyer still loves Kate as well. I kind of understand this because I have a crush on both women myself, but it still sucks for Juliet. I hope she gets a happy ending and doesn’t end up dying some horrific “LOST” type death.

So everyone is now stuck in the 70s. We can assume from what Elouise said that the reason Jack and his crew did not arrive on the island in the 21st century is because the reenacting of the plane crash was not the same as they were missing two people who were not on Flight 316: Aaron and Walt.  Could that be the reason why they arrived in the past?  Will Aaron and Walt return to the island at some point?  Who would bring them there?  More questions.  I love it!

Unfortunately there won’t be an episode next week. The next episode which is entitled, “Namaste” won’t be airing until two weeks from now. That sucks since I thought ABC was not going to do that anymore as they thought by having breaks in between episodes would hurt the show’s ratings.  Something must be on next week to preempt it because after that, it’s three straight episodes and that’s it. Then the long wait begins as we’ll have to wait another 8-9 months for the final season to begin. Oh the dread of the final season; no more “LOST”. It will be a sad day in deed when that occurs. What will I watch? I guess I’ll just start reading more.  I am a librarian after all.



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