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Saturday January 21, 2012 1:50 pm

ElfQuest Movie: No Go

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Independent,

ElfquestThis was posted by WaRP Graphics employee “Wendy Masque,” on Elfquest’s official Facebook page:

“After close to four years of suspense - and longer than four years of your much-appreciated interest and support - the word has come down from Warner Bros. And the word is ‘no.’ Their simple explanation is that they don't want to compete with The Hobbit. This was a possibility, among several, that we were prepared for. It is a relief, at last, to know.”

Sad news for fans.

Movie studios make similarly-themed competing movies all the time (Armageddon and Deep Impact, anyone?) so that can’t be the real reason. In fact, it sounds like movie studio bs.

Considering the success of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, you’d think studio suits would be competing as cosplaying Wolfriders to prove their love for the property.

ElfQuest is a comic book property that’s tailor-made for the Twilight/Harry Potter/Hobbit crowd and maybe someday, someone with a checkbook of vision will see that clearly.

Best of luck to Richard and Wendy Pini. I hope this can still happen.

[Artwork: ElfQuest, © WaRP Graphics]



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