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Thursday November 1, 2012 1:16 am

Disney/Star Wars: Top 10

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies,

Admiral AckbarStar Wars/Disney jokes were old the second the deal for Disney to acquire Lucasfilm was announced, but that won’t stop anyone, especially me.

A meme went around on Facebook earlier this week started by screenwriter William Martell. What are the best/worst Disney/Star Wars movies?

I joined in, thinking what a great idea, and then so I didn’t monopolize the thread, I started keeping my thoughts to myself to share them here because I can.

Here are my Top 10 Disney/Star Wars mash-ups. But be careful!

As Admiral Ackbar will say, “It’s a Parent Trap!”

10. The Scarecrow of Romney Maul

9. The Computer Wore Light Sabres

8. Finding Greedo

7. Song Of The Hoth

6. Swiss Family Skywalker

5. Wicket The Pooh

4. Pirates Of The Kessel Run

3. National Treasure 3PO

2. 101 Darth Vaders

1. The Absent-Minded Stormtrooper

[Artwork: Admiral Ackbar, © Disney]



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