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Monday August 31, 2009 9:46 pm

Disney Buys Marvel Comics: Top 20

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,

Fanboys of a certain age will always remember where they were on Monday August 31, 2009, the day the vast Disney empire, home of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Quentin Tarantino, announced it was buying Marvel Comics, the home of Iron Man, X-Men, Spider-Man and all the rest, at a price of $4 billion.

For now, both sides are saying all the correct, corporate, and SEC-friendly things designed to placate worriers and fretters from Wall Street to Melrose Avenue. If you’d like to know what the future holds, though, here are the Top 20 Signs That Your Comic Book Company Has Been Bought By Disney:

20. The Inhumans: Disney’s inhouse legal team

19. “Jack Sparrow Destroys The Marvel Universe”

18. Baxter Building moved to Duckburg

17. Nick Fury, Agent of E.P.C.O.T.

16. Marvel employees must refer to Disney Executives as The Fantastic Four

15. Arcade now official Disneyland greeter

14. Peter Parker’s new wife: Hannah Montana

13. “Stan Lee Presents” out; “Mickey Mouse Presents” in

12. Walt “The Man” Disney and Robert “King” Iger

11. House of Ideas to be subdivided and turned into Florida condominiums

10. FOOM is the sound resumes make when emailed from the Marvel offices

9. “Steve Ditko? Jack Kirby? Never heard of ‘em.

8. Paul Levitz interviews your editors

7. The MMMS now called Merry Marvel Marching Orders Society

6. Creators with exclusive contracts must also dress as Goofy for theme park appearances

5. Slutty pictures of Isaac Perlmutter start appearing on Perez Hilton

4. Bluewater announces Marvel/Disney buyout comic book; claims it’s been in the works since Ted Kennedy died

3. New X-Men Character: Anna Heim

2. BOOM! to publish Marvel Comics, too

1. Joe Quesada to appear on Dancing With The Stars

My friend Shaun McLaughlin came up with a great line this morning about the $4 billion buyout: “Wow. They sure went to a lot of trouble to acquire UltraForce.

It’s going to be an interesting couple of years.

[Artwork: The Thing, so far still © Marvel Comics. Image taken from one of my favorite blogs, Comics Make No Sense.]



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