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Sunday August 16, 2009 2:59 am

DC Comics Review: Red Robin #3

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,


Rating: **

This issue of Red Robin is pretty weak. The only reason I didn’t give this issue a lower grade is because I like the overall plot of the story of Tim Wayne searching for Bruce Wayne. I’ve also read a hell of a lot worse over the years in my comic book reading. As we know from the previous issues, Ra’s al Ghul is the only other person who believes Tim that Bruce Wayne is really alive. At the end of the last issue, Tim agrees to join up with Ra’s in his search.

Tim’s investigation takes him to a museum in Berlin. While he’s there, Tim discovers something we don’t see, but his reaction causes him to say, “Oh my God it’s true.” I don’t think that he’s found the information he needs to prove Bruce is alive, but I’m curious as to what it is he found. At the museum, he runs into the Wild Huntsman, a character I never heard of before. Tim has his back to the wall with the Huntsman, when Ra’s al Ghul’s League of Assassins arrive to back him up. 

The story has some flashbacks as we see Wonder Girl meeting up with Tim at a cemetery. She tells him that she’s here to give him some comfort when he tells her he knows Bruce is alive. She doesn’t believe him, and he leaves. She then contacts Dick and tells him that Tim needs help.

Lucius Fox’s daughter Tiffany is also in the issue—I didn’t know he had a daughter. Anyway, she’s in a board meeting in Russia when she gets a call from her dad. It seems as if she needs to leave and find someone; whether it’s Tim or not we don’t know.

The story ends with Tim heading to Iraq where the League of Assassins waits to assist him on his mission.

This issue did nothing for me: the story wasn’t interesting; the structure of the story was difficult to follow as I wasn’t sure what was the past and what was the present; and the art work is not the greatest, and I’m tiring of it. 

I’m disappointed by writer Chris Yost here because I love his work on Wolverine and the X-Men. The best X-Men cartoon ever! I’m starting to think I’ll be dropping this title soon unless some changes are made. It’s a shame, because I love the character of Tim Wayne, and I like the idea of Tim alone on this mission and he’s so desperate that he’s willing to team with Ra’s al Ghul to achieve his goal. A step in the right direction right now for this title would be to get a new artist. Also, the cover to this book is horrible. Sorry. Skip this one if you’re not a hardcore fan.



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