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Saturday January 3, 2009 1:09 pm

DC Comics Review: Justice Society of America #22

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,


Holy crap was that a good issue!  This is the final part to the “One World Under Gog” storyline.  Normally I don’t have the time to write a review for things so quickly after I read them, but I had to on this one.  Geoff Johns and Alex Ross just hit a monster home run on this one.  Normally when I read comic book storylines, I’m never quite satisfied with the ending.  Sometimes the story starts off good and ends badly or the ending ends up being just okay.  Not this one, this was one of the best endings to a comic story arc I’ve read in a long while.

In this issue we see the final battle between Gog and the Justice Society of America (JSA). It picks up from last issue’s cliff hanger of Gog wanting the JSA and the people of Earth to worship him as a God. Of course the JSA do not agree with this and begin a full assault to take Gog out.

The issue is filled with some great moments. Some of the best are the lines delivered by Starman. When Gog falls down, Starman wishes it were snowing as Gog would be able to make the largest snow angel in the world. Hilarious!

Because of their rejection to worship Gog, the JSA members who were cured by him have gotten their wishes reveresed. Damage is once again disfigured, but we see a touching moment with him and Judomaster that tells the reader that things will be okay.

The issue is not just about the battle against Gog, but also the final fate of the Kingdom Come Superman of Earth 22. There are some classic geek moments with him that makes you realize that no matter which Earth he comes from, Superman is the number hero of all time. The story ends with Earth 22 Superman returning to his home world via Starman’s suit. The art work depicting these events are illustrated by the master Alex Ross. He returns to the exact moment he left and picks up where he left off.

We are shown Earth 22 Superman’s future on his world. If you read “Kingdom Come,” you know he marries Wonder Woman, but they show some other events years in the future. I won’t spoil it, but it’s pretty cool.

This issue is bitter sweet as we know that Geoff Johns will be leaving this title after issue #26. As I mentioned in a previous blog about this subject, (here) I’m not sure if I’ll be continuing with JSA after he leaves. However, I will continue to follow Geoff and just about everything he’ll be doing in the DC universe come 2009.

Geoff is the best comic book writer in the business right now in my opinion. I would love to see him do some work on the Batman titles. I haven’t read anything else yet this week, but the bar has been set pretty high by this issue. In conclusion, GO BUY THIS ISSUE NOW!!



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