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Thursday October 22, 2009 10:54 pm

DC Comics Review: Justice League of America #38

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,

JLA38Rating: ***
has had its share of ups and downs over the years.
The Justice League has had its share of ups and downs over the years.  Over the past ten years we’ve seen the resurrection of the JLA under the guidance of Grant Morrison with great success.  That title went the way of the dodo a few years ago and was relaunched under the helm of writer Brad Meltzer.  His year run on the title was okay, but not as good as I would hope it would have been.  I haven’t collected the title since Meltzer left, but I decided to pick this issue up as I’ve been reading James Robinson’s Justice League: Cry for Justice.  This series has also had its share of ups and downs, but I wanted to give Robinson a shot and see what he could do with the regular series.  I’m glad I did.

The Justice League is falling apart.  Batman, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter are dead.  Superman is on New Krypton and Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash are off doing their own thing.  The League consists now of mostly second-tier characters with Vixen at the helm.  Our story begins with the character Blue Jay being chased by an unknown assailant.  He’s looking to warn the Justice League of impending danger.  Unfortunately he doesn’t make it and he’s killed. 

We then switch to the remaining members of the JLA who have gotten together at the League’s original headquarters at the cave in Happy Harbor, RI.  Vixen has called together the team to see if the team is still worth staying together.  Evidently, these events take place after Robinson’s Cry for Justice mini-series as Vixen, Plastic Man, and Dr. Light are all recovering from the injuries suffered at the hands of Prometheus.  This has got me intrigued because there’s probably going to be a major throw-down at the end of that series so I’m looking forward to that.

As the team discusses its future, Despero attacks their headquarters.  In his hands, Despero holds defeated former League member Gypsy.  He then proceeds to beat the hell out of these remaining Leaguers and it looks like he’ll end up the winner here when Zatanna comes in to save the day. 

Vixen’s whole mood this issue has been that of defeat and hopelessness.  Although it seems weak, it showed me something about this character Vixen and the potential she could have as a player in the DC Universe.  Unfortunately she will not be apart of Robinson’s run when his new team debuts.  Hopefully she does make her way back.

Zatanna tells the remaining League that there is trouble at the Hall of Justice and that they are needed.  The trouble is of course the Black Lanterns that we saw in the Blackest Night mini-series.  The last page of the issue shows the resurrected original Dr. Light as a Black Lantern and we end there.

A very good issue that has me intrigued enough to want to see where this story goes under Robinson’s run.  The new members that will be joining are certainly an interesting group.  I’m sure long time Titan fans are happy that former Titan members Dick Grayson now as Batman, Cyborg, Starfire, and Donna Troy have now all “graduated” to the League.  I’m not crazy about Mon-el being a part of the team.  Would much rather have had Superman. 

So I recommend this issue for fans.  Definitely take a peek on this one and maybe check out the remaining Cry for Justice issues as a big battle will be taking place.  I’m also wondering who’s behind the death of Blue Jay. 

I wish James Robinson and artist Mark Bagley the best of luck here.  The Justice League deserves to be one of the premiere titles in the DC Universe.  Although the Justice Society came before them, in many ways the JLA is the number one team and DC needs to be putting out quality stories with this team.  Only time will tell if they succeed.



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