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Wednesday March 11, 2009 9:37 pm

DC Comics Review: Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,


Rating: *** 1/2*

When I first heard that artist Tony Daniel would be doing the writing chores for the DC mega miniseries “Batman: Battle for the Cowl,” I groaned. I groaned because I felt that a inexperienced writer like Daniel should not be given the task of writing this major miniseries. I already had it in my head that this series was going to be a let down - boy was I wrong. The first issue of “Batman: Battle for the Cowl” is an absolute winner. I know its cliche, but from the first page to the last, this issue delivered in a big way for me.

As any reader of my previous blogs on Batman, you know that I have not been happy with what Grant Morrison has been doing on “Batman” - particularly the recent “RIP” storyline. I felt the story was a big let down and by no means lived up to the hype DC was giving it. After reading this issue, I wish DC would give the job of writing “Batman” to Daniel, but unfortunately Morrison will be returning to the title after this series is over.

Since Batman’s “death” in “Final Crisis,” we have seen Gotham City slip deeper and deeper into chaos. This issue reveals that Nightwing has now become the leader of The Network which brings together all of the heroes who are allies of Batman or who have operated in Gotham in the past. Daniel also brings in Knight and Squire from Morrison’s Batmen of all Nations storyline. The reintroduction of the Batmen of all Nations is one of the few things that I’ve liked about Morrison’s run. I particularly like Knight and Squire and I would love to see a miniseries focusing on them set in the UK.

Daniel continues what Denny O’Neil started in his recent storyline of Nightwing refusing to take on the mantle of the Batman and being insecure about even thinking about doing so as he feels he’s not worthy to even step in his shoes. I’m assuming that’s something the editors of Batman want as a theme in the Bat-books right now. I’m not crazy with that direction as I feel Dick should be a hell of a lot more confident and sure of himself and want to take on the roll to honor his surrogate father.


As I said before, Gotham is slipping deeper into chaos. Things get even worse as Black Mask uses Arkham inmates in an effort to take over Gotham City. What’s cool is that Daniel incorporates villains from one of my favorite Batman stories “Arkham Asylum: Living Hell”. This story introduced some great villains in Humpty Dumpty, Jane Doe, and the Great White Shark.

From the promo art for “Battle for the Cowl,” we see that there will be various people dressing up as Batman. From previous interviews that I have read, we know that the gun-totting Batman is Jason Todd. This isn’t revealed in this issue, but it’s obvious.  Jason is going around and killing criminals and leaveing notes stating that he is the Batman.  Tim is obviously upset by this and takes it upon himself to dress up in an old school Batman outfit with the yellow oval surrounding the bat-signal and become the Batman. 

Also making an appearance in the book is Damien Wayne.  His appearance feels out of place at first as he kind of comes out of no where driving the Batmobile with some chic in the passenger seat.  There’s no leadup to the scene and I was kind of annoyed by it for some reason.  Also, how old is this kid?  Is he ten, twelve, or older?  Because here he is driving the Batmobile after picking up a girl.  I feel DC needs to decide now how old this kid will be from here on out.

Damien ends up almost being eaten by Killer Croc who he bumps into after getting into a crash in the Batmobile.  Nightwing saves him, but they are attacked and are surrounded by Black Mask’s men in a warehouse.  When all seems lost, Jason Todd shows up dressed as Batman to save them.

The sign of a really good comic book is when after you’ve read it, you go back and read it again; you are also left wanting more and can’t wait for the next issue.  For me, I can’t wait for the next issue.  It keeps looking like Dick will be Batman and Damien will be Robin.  I can’t believe they are going to do this, but we all know its temporary.  If this does happen, where does that leave Tim Drake?  I would like to see him become Nightwing.  I know that many would want Tim to be Batman himself or a new identity, but I think by having Tim graduate to become Nightwing sets up a legacy for the title of Nightwing.  It also sets up a hiearchy or a level of titles where someone begins as Robin, then graduates to become Nightwing, and then finally to Batman.  That would be cool.

So nice job on the writing and on the artwork for Mr. Daniel.  A very nice job indeed and I’m looking forward to the next issue.



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