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Friday August 14, 2009 7:39 pm

DC Comics Review: Adventure Comics #1

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,


Rating: *** 1/2*

By the end of the mini-series Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds, writer Geoff Johns resurrected two recently deceased super-heroes: Kid Flash and Superboy.  With this issue we see another resurrection as well with the return of the long running DC title Adventure Comics.  The original book ran from 1938 to 1983 and featured numerous adventures of secondary DC super-heroes.  Some of the characters that were featured in the title were stories about Superboy and the Legion of Super Heroes.  With the return of Adventure, we will be seeing new stories featuring both Superboy and the Legion once again. 

The difference here of course is where the original Adventure Comics showcased tales of a young Clark Kent as Superboy, this series will focus on Conner Kent who is a genetically created clone of Superman and Lex Luthor.  In this issue we see Conner return to Smallville to live with Superman’s mom Martha Kent.  Since he’s partially a clone of Superman, he’s also calling her Ma.

The opening story is very good.  Conner is trying to readjust to life in Smallville with his “Ma” and Krypto.  Conner is also looking to try and make good for himself in his second chance at life.  He begins by looking inward and seeing what kind of person he is.  He begins comparing himself with one of the people he was created from: Superman.  The list goes as follows: 1) Superman lived with the Kents, 2) went to Smallville High, 3) joined a team of super-heroes, and 4) helped people in need.  He has done all of this, but what about Lex?  What does he do that Lex does as well?  More on that later.

As Conner goes through the list we see him doing the various different things.  We see him with Ma Kent, attending class, rejoining the Titans, and saving a young girl.  A side plot is introduced in this story with a young boy named Simon Valentine heading into a swamp for an experiment.  In the swamp a creature comes out and begins talking to Valentine.  He says that Valentine will be his greatest friend and his greatest enemy, but the creature says he’s not here for Valentine - he’s here for Superboy.  I wonder since Geoff Johns will be writing Superman: Origins which will feature a young Clark Kent and a young Lex Luthor in Smallville, is Johns maybe setting up a similar scenario here with Valentine and Conner?

Speaking of Luthor.  Since Luthor’s DNA is also a part of him, Conner decides to make a list of what he has in common with Luthor.  The list begins with Luthor lies to Superman and Conner checks yes.  Earlier in the issue Conner meets up with Superman and Superman tells him to stay away from Luthor to which Conner says he will, but it’s obvious he won’t be.  So will he contact Luthor to better understand himself or will he find Luthor in an attempt to bring him to justice.  Next issue, Conner reunites with his old flame Wonder Girl.

The Legion of Super Heroes will be the second feature in Adventure Comics and this first story arc begins with Thom Kallor - Starman.  The story is fairly short with Starman bowling and then meeting up with fellow Legionnaire Tellus.  Starman’s mind is still messed up and Tellus is able to straighten him out.  As his mind gets “fixed” Starman blurts out about a war, the 31st century, the Black Witch, and Dream Girl.  He asks Tellus for help because he believes his mind will continue to deteriorate and he won’t be able to complete his mission.  We’re then treated to a series of things to come in a preview of upcoming stories involving the Legion including: Superboy helping to save Dream Girl, Despero making a deal, and a Green Lantern joining the Legion.

I’ve never read an issue of the Legion of Super Heroes in my years of collecting comics.  My introduction to the Legion has come over the past few years with various stuff Geoff Johns has incorporated into his stories.  I’m interested in seeing what Geoff does with the Legion and I hope what he does is satisfying to long-time Legion fans who have been suffering over the years with bad stories. 

Geoff Johns gets off to a good start here.  I love the evolution of the character of Superboy.  I remember him being such a cocky jerk when he first premiered during the Death of Superman storyline.  The artwork for Superboy is provided by Francis Manapul who does an excellent job of drawing Smallville.  It reminds me of the work Tim Sale did in a Superman for All Seasons.  It’s very majestic.  Clayton Henry does a good job on the art for the Legion story.

I love the idea of Conner having his own Lex Luthor with this Valentine character - if that’s the direction Geoff is going in.  Conner rejoining the Teen Titans is a great idea.  I loved him in that book.  It’s too bad the title has gone downhill since Geoff left.  Anyway, pick up Adventure Comics, Geoff Johns hits another home run here.  Great stuff.



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