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Sunday March 20, 2011 1:11 pm

Comic Books Jobs: CBS Interns! MTV! Video Games!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Television,

Showtime logoHey, you wanna go to Comic Con International on CBS’s dime? Of course you do. Showtime Networks, a division of CBS based in New York, has an intern program that’s running from June 6-July 29.

You’ll be working in the “Program Marketing and Advertising” group and one of your main functions will be “daily tasks and organization leading up to Comic Con, assisting with the advertising tactics in print, tv, online and outdoor and components of the marketing plan.” I'm only assuming that they'll take you to the Con to see your hard work payoff, so you might want to get that included if you get the gig.

And if you're looking for a job that let’s you “walk the floor at Comic Con,” there’s a company in San Francisco that needs an Account Planner “to join the planning team on Electronic Arts at Draftfcb San Francisco.” Must have “a deep love of video games,” though.

The same company is also looking for a Senior Planner, who can also walk around Comic Con.

MTV is looking for a Coordinator in their Animation Development. You’ll work with “a senior project executive to move projects forward. Take notes in all creative meetings and be prepared to provide a written report.”

But one of your fun jobs will be to seek out new talent: “Scour the internet, galleries, comic stores and other cultural events...develop relationships with agency coordinators...meet and develop relationships with new writers and artists.” That part sounds like a blast.

Doximity “creates products that help doctors improve patient care and save lives” from their offices in San Mateo, CA. They’re looking for a User Experience Designer who’s “read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, twice.” Dang. I've only read it once.

Good luck, job seekers! Maybe I’ll see some of you walking the floor at Comic Con International!

[Artwork: Showtime]



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