On Gear Live: Apple’s $400,000,000 Secret to Saving the Planet

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Wednesday May 13, 2009 4:12 pm


Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

If you dream of a comic book called “The Fantastic Four And Steve” or “Iron Jimmy,” or “Valerie’s Avengers,” you might be eligible for a job at Marvel Comics.

Marvel is currently looking for a batch fresh-faced students in need of a little academic credit. That’s right, if it’s summer, it must be intern season. Marvel needs interns in ”different departments to keep the old ship going full steam ahead, and we encourage students to apply to more than one department if they feel they have the skills that fit the bill.” A bill that will go unpaid, since these are unsalaried positions.

Details are at the Marvel Comics website, but internships range from handling art returns (yes, some artists are still Strathmore-based), Editorial Operations, Editorial, Production (hey, that’s the legendary “Marvel bullpen”!), Web/Online (analytics, web editorial, web design, web development, project management), Digital Comics (that’s where I’d go), Creative Services, Brand Assurance, Inventory, Business Development & Merchandising, Sales Communications, Legal, Accounting, Licensing & Consumer Products (toys!), Information Technology, IT Desktop, Human Resources (so you could, theoretically, hire yourself some day) and Print Production (learn it while you can). Those interships are all based in Marvel’s New York headquarters. Over in their L.A. offices in Beverly Hills, they need a few locals in Film Development, Marketing, Legal, Animation, and Interactive. I know someone who interned at Marvel Animation, and she had a blast.

If you’ve got the right stuff, and know your many Green Goblins, and the differences between A.I.M, S.H.I.E.L.D., The Serpent Society and Hydra, you’ve got a shot. And if you find out where they keep The Infinity Formula, let me know.

If DC Comics is more your style, you see about jobs at DC in a previous post.

(Artwork: Cover to Marvel Comics #1 © Marvel Comics)



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