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Sunday February 28, 2010 10:50 pm

Comic Book Jobs: Who’s Hiring? Marvel!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,

Super Hero SquadMy favorite superhero cartoons are the DC ones from Warner Bros. where Bruce Timm and friends are at the helm. In fact, if someone just put a show on the air called “Bruce Timm & Friends,” I’d watch it. But the Marvel Comics cartoons have made vast improvements over the years and while I’m outside of the target audience these days, my sons get a kick out of them. Now the Marvel Studios down in Manhattan Beach, California are looking for some help.

In their Animation division, they need a Coordinator in Development and Production. It’s an entry-level deal, and you’ll be working across all of their shows (both regular series and DTV) and pitching in wherever support is needed. In the corporate world, this used to be referred to unofficially as a “floater.”

The job description has a lot of functions – it’s longer than anything you’ll be able to do in a full week – so just be satisfied knowing that you’ll be doing everything someone above you needs done from tracking, monitoring, researching, coordinating and stuff like that. One perk is that you’ll be hiring and managing interns and managing the search for key production and creative positions (which makes you my new best friend).

Another opening at Marvel Studios is also in their Animation division. It’s for a Manager in Development and Production. This is a higher-up position and “supports development, production and distribution with day-to-day coordination of assets, schedules and vendors.” Naturally, experience in animation production is required, especially if you’ve been involved in co-productions and “international licensed productions.” The list of responsibilities is about as long as Reed Richard’s extended arm, but includes some fun creative like pre-screening creative talent and organizing “a talent library of writers, designers and voice actors” (which makes you my new best friend, too). There are a lot of production functions, too, like helping to produce bonus and PR content for Marvel’s shows, inserting yourself in the approvals process between Marvel and its partners (like gaming companies), and handling the dubbing and translations of various productions so that Wolverine doesn’t get called “Angry Claw Man” when he’s translated into Cantonese.

And I may have mentioned this in the past, but Manhattan Beach? A nice place to live and work.

If working near the beach in sunny Southern California has no appeal to you, then there’s a position open at Marvel’s New York office for a Junior-level Publishing Data Analyst (and doesn’t Junior Level sound like a character from Trailer Park Boys?). Anyway, this sounds like a fun gig, on a “temporary, full-time basis,” because you’ll be using your dedication and self-motivational skills to create publishing projects, defined as “comics, collections, and marketing materials.” But this is also a “basic yet very important data entry position” with a lot of database management where you’ll be coordinating requests from the various departments (sales, editorial, marketing, finance and special projects). So you’ll probably be saying, “Yes, sir, I’ll get right on that!” several times a day.

I’ve done the hard part for you. Now slip into a digital suit and go land a job interview.

[Artwork: Superhero Squad, © Marvel]



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