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Saturday July 17, 2010 7:09 pm
Comic Book Jobs: Who’s Hiring? Egmont
I’ve always wanted to live and work in London, but I’m stuck stateside for the time being. You might not be, and if that’s the case, Egmont UK could have a job with your name on it. It’s not a comics-specific job, but Egmont UK is part of the giant Egmont empire and they do publish a lot of comic book material – like the Disney comics that Boom! Kids is currently publishing - so this could be an in for you and a chance to burrow into the organization.
So if you “know your Bieber from your Beaker and your Selena from your SpongeBob” and “have a passion for children’s publishing and enjoy communicating with kids,” then Egmont’s Go Girl magazine is looking for you. They need a Writer/Sub-Editor to join their team and be a, wait for it, team player.
You’ll need at least a year’s experience in magazine publishing or a similar area, and writing for websites would give you a leg up on the competition. All applicants will need to take a written test, so you’ll need to study up.
The application is at the Egmont website. Hurry, though, because this offer closes on July 29th.
[Artwork: cover to a recent issue of Go Girl]
- Related Tags:
- boom kids, comic book jobs, disney, egmont, go girl, justin bieber, writing
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