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Thursday November 11, 2010 11:02 am
Comic Book Jobs: Turner Broadcasting
You know that thing you do with your comic book/action figure/DVD collection? No, not that thing. The thing where you categorize them, memorize them, shelve them and keep track of where everything is. And then take pictures of your shelves to post on Facebook.
You’re an amateur “asset coordinator” and believe it or not, there’s a department at Time Warner (the parent company of DC Entertainment and DC Comics) in their Turner Broadcasting division that wants one of their very own.
Based in Atlanta, GA, the Asset Coordinator needs a Bachelor’s Degree and 5-7 years experience in asset management, plus proficiency in the usual software suspects: Photoshop, Illustrator, PowerPoint, In-Design, Excel and MS Word. (Really? Because isn’t MS Word so prevalent in the world that chimpanzees can now use it to pull ants from a nest?)
Your overall job will be “managing the digital and physical reproduction materials of books, comics and magazines created by CNE and publishers globally.”
So you’ll be the librarian of cool, collecting material throughout the empire. “CNE” by the way, stands for Cartoon Network in TW parlance. You’ll also be the supporting coordinator for all new show assets, so as soon as cool stuff is created, you get to see it.
There are some other duties too, but they’re all based around collecting and managing the cool stuff and disseminating it to other divisions on an as-needed basis.
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: A shelf of coordinated assets from Robot 6]
- Related Tags:
- asset coordinator, cartoon network, comic book jobs, dc, dc comics, television, time warner, turner broadcasting
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