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Wednesday July 21, 2010 5:35 am

Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials,

Comic Book GuyI find Craigslist very entertaining and amusing. I love what people post over there, especially in the jobs section. A lot of people seem to want others to do their work for them for very little money. Shocking!

But still, there are occasional jobs that are comic book-related, and only a few of them want to see your naked bits, so let’s take a look:

Super Earth: A self-proclaimed yet unnamed “renewable energy company” is looking for a petite actor will to dress up as Super Earth to perform at various street festivals and functions around New York City.

Partial Nudity: I’m sure this opportunity has passed since Comic Con is mere hours away by now, but it was a chance to appear naked in a Dark Knight Returns fan film. You’d have to be under 5’4”, blond and be willing to show off some of your Robin-like skin.

Female Models: Another unnamed company is interested in some comic book-style models for a coffee table art book to debut at San Diego’s Comic Con International in 2011. Naturally, they want some partial nudity too, but they’re willing to pay for a peek at your parts.

Two Blondes: Night Phoenix Press in Chicago is looking for two actresses, one of whom “can rock a leather mini-skirt.” These blondes will be portraying characters from their comic book, Epitaph.

Unstoppable Comics, “an emerging comic book publishing company based out of New York,” wants an advertising sales rep, commission-based.

That’s it for now. Get your resumes or photos in order and start the career ball rolling, Craigslist-style.

[Artwork: Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons, © Fox]



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