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Friday September 3, 2010 1:53 am
Comic Book Jobs? Interns @ Tor Books
Want to break in to big-time New York City book publishing while it still exists?
Tor Books, the big genre publisher, is looking for two, count ‘em two, editorial interns for Fall 2010. You may get college credit, but it is a paid internship. That’s right, money in your pocket. Tor does it right, aside from just publishing great books.
Tor publishes John Scalzi, George R.R. Martin, the Heavy Metal Pulp titles, Heinlein, Charlie Stross, Larry Niven (one of the founders of the Ultraverse), F. Paul Wilson (Repairman Jack), and dozens of others.
Tor interns will “gain insight into the process of publishing a book at every stage, from acquisition and contracts through production and, finally, the finished product.”
That might horrify you, of course, or maybe it’ll thrill you. Tor has a strong online presence and a nice website with lots of extras, so they’re preparing well for a future that could be sans paper. They’re even hosting a series of posts by veteran Marvel and DC scripter (and novelist and also an Ultraverse founder) Steve Englehart.
So if you’re the kind of person who wants to “learn about acquisitions, editorial review, scheduling, rights and territories, catalogue, and sales” and “read and evaluate unsolicited manuscripts” while diving into “science fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller, mystery, and romance,” Tor is the place for you.
It’s two full days, or three half-days, per week. You know you want it, even if it is stretching the definition of “comic book job” ever so slightly.
[Artwork: cover to Heavy Metal Pulp: The Bloodstained Man, Netherworld Book Two by Christopher Rowley]
- Related Tags:
- christopher rowley, comic book jobs, heavy metal pulp, interns, internships, john scalzi, steve englehart, tor books, ultraverse
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