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Wednesday October 10, 2012 2:01 am

Top 10: Arrow On The CW

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Television, DC Comics,

ArrowAre you looking forward to Arrow as much as any other comic book or archery fan?

It debuts October 10 on the CW. Arrow is loosely-based on Green Arrow, the venerable and outspoken liberal DC Comics' super-hero blessed with the powers of a longbow.

The mark of any successful show is whether or not fans can start quoting favorite lines like they do for Monty Python, The Simpsons and, of course, Mike And Molly.

Our spies at Comix 411 were able to get a copy of the script for the first episode and gave it an immediate reading to see what dialogue gems lurked inside. What we found are 10 sample dialogue snippets from Arrow that we’re hoping will catch on as easily as Monty Python’s “It’s just a flesh wound,” The Simpsons’ “Batman was a scientist” and Mike And Molly’s “You gonna eat that?”

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10. “Yeah, I did buy this off that guy from The Cape. How’d you guess?”

9. “Which one of these is the boxing glove arrow?”

8. “Tell me more about this hot Black Canary chick?”

7. “No, I'm the one not in the Avengers.”

6. “Hoodies are the Poochie The Dog of superheroes.”

5. “Underneath all this leather, I’m wearing the old Wonder Woman costume.”

4. “My Arrowcar is a Prius.”

3. “Want to see my ‘Longbow,’ honey?”

2. “In your face, Green Lantern!”

1. “Obama 2012, baby!”

[Artwork: Arrow]



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