In the past six months, Kanye West has experienced a series of highs and lows…personally and professionally. Just last November, the rapper unexpectedly lost his mother to heart disease after a scheduled surgical procedure. That setback led to a heartfelt performance from West at this February’s Grammys.
Now the 30-year-old artist is currently wowing fans and critics with his Glow in the Dark tour while weathering an another emotional period. It’s been announced that his wedding to designer Alexis Phifer has been called off. The couple, who had been engaged since 2006, had reportedly been spending less and less time together during West’s pre-tour preparations.
In a recent blog entry, Kanye said he was wasn’t dedicating his energy to things he didn’t love anymore. I guess that, sadly, included Phifer.
Canine Marks His Territory on Natalie Portman

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Oops Photos,

While out with her boyfriend in New York, actress Natalie Portman found herself the target of a misdirected potty break yesterday.
Apparently fame and beauty can’t shield you from life’s ugly messes. Pissy pooches know no boundaries.
The Huffington Post
Sharon Stone: Why It’s Important to Wear Sunscreen

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Photos, Editorials,

The next time you groan about putting on that recommended sunscreen, keep this image in mind.
While her clothing choices have at times been questionable, Sharon Stone’s physical appearance is usually flawless. Well the picture on the right is what the 50-year-old actress looked like just yesterday when she came through LAX.
Still don’t think you need that extra protection?
Daily Mail
Miley Cyrus Signs Book Deal

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Music, Television, Child Stars, Features,
Sick of Miley Cyrus yet? Disney sure isn’t.
Having already conquered the small screen and broken box office records for the big screen, the uber-successful pop star has recently signed a seven-figure deal with Disney-Hyperion, probably the most any fifteen year-old has been paid to write a book.
As if Disney hasn’t used and abused their Hannah Montana cash cow enough, the book is set to release in 2009, right about when the movie will premiere. Oh how I love Disney’s avariciousness.
Click to continue reading Miley Cyrus Signs Book Deal
M&C People
Britney Spears and K-Fed: Couple, or Couple of Exes?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Break-ups, Divorce, Hook-ups, Rumors,
Gossip sites and magazines are exploding with the news that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline may be putting their shattered romance back together. After months of agonizing divorce proceedings and custody hearings, could this really be the case? What has sparked these rumors? Apparently, the two shared a smooch. Sure, that’s national news.
Here’s how it (allegedly) went down: K-Fed comes over to Brit’s home on April 8 to gather up Sean Preston and Jayden James after a visit with mom. The two were talking about the boys when Brit leaned in and puckered up. Two separate publications published news on the kiss, which does not guarantee its authenticity or even that it was, in fact, newsworthy. Whether we’re talking about on-the-cheek or full liplock action, the pair do share a pair of kids between them - some affection and esteem is bound to result.
AOL News

Oh, Linds. Whatever are we going to do with you?
After a recently-rehabbed Lindsay Lohan was spotted drinking back in January, enablers of the star tried to come to her defense. At the time, a friend told the NY Daily News, “Lindsay is learning how to work through her addictions and, once in a while, she chooses to have a cocktail.” Well, it seems she needs to ‘work’ a bit harder.
According to People, the Georgia Rule actress has been spending a lot of time with her BFF Samantha Ronson lately. Unfortunately, to ‘hang out’ with a deejay, one is usually required to spend a lot of time in clubs. Very smart. Why don’t we just throw the girl in a liquor store?
Click to continue reading Lindsay Lohan Liquors Up Again
More Sexy Photos of Miley Cyrus

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Music, Television, Photos, Editorials,

UPDATE: You can read Miley’s apology for these photos here.
Okay, here we go again. Three months ago, we told you about a set of photos showing teen star Miley Cyrus in various states of undress. Now a new trio of pics have been spreading across the internet.
While the shots still (thankfully) show the singer while she is clothed, they’re still awfully racy for a 15-year-old girl…especially one who’s supposed to be a smart role model. The tamest photo - the one I felt less icky about posting - can be seen above. (You can catch a glimpse of the other two here and her older set here.)
My question is: Why hasn’t there been more of a stink made about this? I think I heard more people talk about Miley’s missing seat belt in her recent Hannah Montana movie!
Click to continue reading More Sexy Photos of Miley Cyrus
Crazy Days and Nights
DWTS’ Shannon Elizabeth and Derek Hough a Real-Life Couple

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Television, Hook-ups, Rumors,

If you found yourself questioning all of the back rubs Shannon Elizabeth has been giving Derek Hough lately, you can now put your mind at ease. Based on these pics from People, it appears the Dancing with the Stars partners are also a couple off-camera.
Now that moment she sat on his lap last week doesn’t seem quite as wrong…
The Beckham Boys: They Really Love Their Fingers

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Music, Sports, Celebrity Babies, Photos, Oops Photos,

After celebrating mommy’s birthday yesterday, Victoria Beckham‘s 3-year-old son, Cruz, gave the awaiting paparazzi a present of their own.
This isn’t the first time one of the Beckham boys has been caught using his finger. The picture on the right is of 5-year-old Romeo at a recent soccer game.
See? Even celebrities have children that embarrass them too!
Evan Rachel Wood Has the Blood Sucked Out of Her

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Red Carpet, Style, Photos,

So is Uma Thurman incredibly tan….or does Evan Rachel Wood (Uma’s The Life Before Her Eyes co-star) just make her look that way?
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