On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Shayne Lamas and Matt GrantUPDATE: Lamas - who says she intends to keep her ring - is now denying rumors that she cheated on Grant.

Looks like someone has to find another American to marry…quick.

Less than 3 months after their televised engagement, ‘s Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas have officially ended their relationship. This unsurprising news follows reports that the British-born financier had moved out of Lamas’ home.

But despite the growing rumors (and low expectations), the two insisted things were still fine. That is until today. In a joint statement to People, the couple said:

“We tried hard to make it work but we realized that we were both heading in different directions. We truly care about each other and will remain close friends.”

Yeah, right. Methinks Lamas wouldn’t blink an eye if her ‘friend’ was forced to leave the country.

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Gallery: Another Bachelor Couple Splits


Dustin DiamondJust when I was convinced Mario Lopez was the slimiest thing to come out of Saved by the Bell, Dustin Diamond does something that makes me reevaluate my choice.

To be fair, Dustin actually did something slimy years ago when he exploited his sex tape for his career. But I’ve been trying to forget about that. Now, still nothing more than a D-lister, Diamond has now moved on to exploiting his former cast members.

According to New York Magazine, Screech Powers is going to have a ghostwriter produce a tell-all about his years on the show. The book, titled Behind the Bell, promises to talk about “sexual escapades among cast members, drug use, and hardcore partying.”

But will it explain how Elizabeth Berkley wound up in Showgirls? If not, I’ll pass.

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New York Magazine

Gallery: Dustin Diamond Plans Saved by the Bell Tell-All

UPDATE: You can hear Miley delivering a weak explanation for her video here.

Thank goodness I wrote that tween primer the other day. Otherwise, I’d probably have no clue who half these girls were.

When I mentioned that Selena Gomez was now linked to Nick Jonas, I forgot to mention one minor detail: Nick Jonas was previously linked to . That last piece of information is important because it’s believed to be the reason behind Miley’s recent YouTube parody.

In the following clip, you will see a video made by Selena Gomez and friend Demi Lovato. You will also see Miley and her friend, Mandy, doing their best impressions of the two girls. Do you think Hannah Montana was being funny…or was she simply acting nasty?

Whether it be on an iPhone or on home video, Miley sure does love to expose her true colors!

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Us Magazine

Gallery: Cyrus Mocks Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

Nick JonasSelena Gomez

Omigawd - I can’t get all these tweens straight. I swear it took me months to figure out that was the same person as Hannah Montana. Now I’m having to sort out the difference between three other rising stars.

Repeat after me: Demi Lovato is the chick who just starred with the Jonas Brothers on , Miranda Cosgrove is the star of Nickelodeon’s iCarly and Selena Gomez is on the Disney series Wizards of Waverly Place. (I have not watched any of these programs.)

Click to continue reading Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez: The Next Hottest Couple

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Us Magazine

Gallery: Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez: The Next Hottest Couple

Miley CyrusIn an attempt to raise money for her family’s charity (and probably sound good PR for herself), is auctioning off a “meet and greet” with her at an upcoming red carpet event.

The person who bids the most money for the Pappy Cyrus Family Foundation - an organization that supports underprivileged children - will have the opportunity to join the singer at the November premiere of Bolt, an animated Disney film Cyrus is a part of. The bidding, which began last night and ends July 29, currently stands at just over $2000. (I believe parents paid just about that much for tickets to her last concert tour.)

Other items up for grabs in the eBay auction include clothing actually worn by the star and autographed posters and cds. You can learn more about the fundraiser from Miley in a video clip found after the jump.

Click to continue reading Win a Meeting with Miley Cyrus

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Gallery: Win a Meeting with Miley Cyrus

Spencer Pratt and Heidi MontagBelieving they could someday be the next power couple, Brangelina wannabes and Spencer Pratt have just announced the next step for Team Speidi: They’re going to Iraq.

Wanting to honor the recent death of her stepbrother, Heidi has expressed interest in going overseas to support America’s troops. Eric O’Hara, who passed away after a March accident in Colorado, had served both in Iraq and Afghanistan as an airborne ranger.

Recently, Heidi Montag has been seen spending time with John McCain’s daughter, Meghan. (Heidi has openly pledged her support to the Republican candidate.) It’s believed this relationship will somehow get the two MTV stars an inside track on a Middle East tour. Spencer told Extra, “I think Meghan McCain is helping organize Heidi and our Iraq trip. Her dad definitely has some pull with the military. I think she’s going to put that together for us.” (Yes - I’m sure she has nothing better to do.)

As for what Heidi and Spencer will exactly do overseas is not exactly known. According to People, Montag apparently wants to “perform” something. Well, I guess she could writhe around on the sand while Spencer holds a boom box again. There’s probably an audience somewhere for that.

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Gallery: Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Plan Trip to Iraq

Balthazar GettyNow that everyone has seen him with his naked girlfriend, Balthazar Getty has taken the unnecessary step of addressing the media.

The Brothers & Sisters star has been the subject of gossip ever since he was linked to actress Sienna Miller. Getty, a married father of four, recently welcomed a new daughter just last October.

In a statement, the 33-year-old said:

“The breakdown of a marriage is a very difficult and painful experience especially when children are involved. In light of the fact that many pictures have surfaced in print and on the Internet which has caused myself and my family great embarrassment, I felt it necessary to at least acknowledge publicly that yes indeed my wife and I have separated and I will not be commenting any further.”

That’s okay, Balthazar. As long as we have your pictures telling the story, we don’t need you to comment further.

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Us Magazine

Gallery: Balthazar Getty Finally Acknowledges Marriage Problems

Katie Holmes' hair Katie Holmes' shoes

Someone page Victoria Beckham stat.

Just yesterday, was allowed to walk LA’s streets after committing not just one, but two fashion crimes.

Apparently ‘mad money’ doesn’t always buy you styling sense.


Gallery: Katie Holmes: Fashion Disaster from Head to Toe

Sarah Jessica Parker with moleSarah Jessica Parker without mole

Although she is loved and adored by women everywhere, has just proven that celebrities have insecurities too.

Despite making it through six seasons of (and one movie), the actress just recently decided it was time to get rid of her trademark mole. Parker showed off her now look (on the right) at the recent MLB All-Star game.

What do you think? Was it long overdue…or completely unnecessary?

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Huffington Post

Gallery: Sarah Jessica Parker’s Cosmetic Fix

Here we go again. There’s yet another television star who wants to make it as a singer. This time around (Heroes) is the one assaulting our ears.

In a recent interview on his radio show, the 18-year-old told Ryan Seacrest she’s invested a lot into her music. In fact, she’s actually been working on her album for four years. (I can only imagine what 14-year-old Hayden would have produced.)

Listen to her new single, ‘Wake Up Call’, and let us know your opinions. Am I the only one who thinks the music doesn’t match the tone of the video?

Click to continue reading Listen to Hayden Panettiere’s New Single

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Gallery: Listen to Hayden Panettiere’s New Single

