On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas

In the upcoming issue of Seventeen magazine, pop princess talks about her heart-breaking split with Nick Jonas and remains positive for a future with the tween sensation. We non-celebs keep up with the changing couples in Hollywood….but doesn’t it seem like some splits are just a little harder to take than the rest?

Over the years, young stars are often pairing up and breaking apart. Which couples caused us to root for them the most, created the biggest headlines…and suffered the worst break-ups?

That’s right - it’s time for another Top 5. Let’s visit the past to look at the hottest young couples through the years - which pair did we love the most?

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Dasha Astafieva

better watch out. She may soon be dealing with more than just her boyfriend’s hesitance to get married. She may have to fight off another woman.

If you believe the buzz, we could be seeing an addition to The Girls Next Door next season. Word has it may have gotten bored with his little trio and taken a liking to a new beauty. The surprising twist? The gal’s actually a brunette.

According to the various reports, the fourth woman in Hugh’s life is Dasha Astafieva, a Ukranian model who may actually have real breasts. (Shocker!) Some sources claim Dasha is already living inside the Playboy Mansion, while others say that hasn’t happened…yet.

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The Insider

Gallery: Does Hugh Hefner Have a Fourth Girlfriend?

Jonas Brothers

Even though is hesitant to talk about the women in his life, his older brother doesn’t seem to have a problem sharing his opinions.

Just days learning about the love Miley Cyrus and Nick used to share, Kevin Jonas wore a very telling shirt outside of the band’s New York City hotel.

I mean - if one were to wear a “Team Demi and Selena” tee, that would mean that they were endorsing a side, right?

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E! Online

Gallery: Kevin Jonas Chooses Team Gomez

Bernie MacUPDATE: You can read what many of Bernie’s friends had to say about his passing here.

Comedian , the Emmy-nominated actor from The Bernie Mac Show, passed away this morning after a battle with pneumonia. He was only 50-years-old.

This announcement is particular shocking given the news released just a few days ago. On Thursday, Mac’s rep said the performer - who had been hospitalized in Chicago since August 1 - was responding well to treatment and was expected to be discharged within weeks. That claim contradicted earlier reports that the Ocean’s Eleven star was in “very, very critical” condition.

Earlier today, publicist Danica Smith revealed the sad news:

“Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital. No other details are available at this time. We ask that his family’s privacy continues to be respected.”

Our thoughts go out to his family.

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Entertainment Weekly

Gallery: Bernie Mac Dies at Age 50

Lindsay and Samantha are spotted with matching tats!Samantha Ronson and “best friend” Lindsay Lohan were seen arriving at LAX with matching tattoos last Wednesday. While some may see this as innocent and very BFF-like, I hope that the party-hopping pair haven’t forgotten that we haven’t forgotten about what happened on Diddy’s yacht last May.

Either way, the cute couple were spotted with identical black hearts on their left hands. No pictures just yet, but photographers did note that the heart was originally a white heart tattoo of Lindsay’s that she recently got outlined in black—Samantha merely had an identical one inked in the same spot altogether. They also noticed that Lindsay added a red star to her hand to mirror those on Ronson’s arm.

Why don’t these two go public already! Just make it official and we’ll all be happy! Who knows, perhaps even the paparazzi will stop tailing you once they’ve finally received an answer to their burning question.

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Gallery: Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson Get Matching Tattoos

Katie Holmes and Suri CruiseMiley Cyrus

While some prints are still waiting for their comeback (e.g. paisley), stripes are something that never truly go away. loves them so much - she’s not only a repeat wearer, her daughter even sports them.

You can see more pics of the striped ones after the jump.

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Gallery: Celebrity Fashion Trend: Stripes Galore

Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas

Now that rumors of a romance between Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez have surfaced, has suspiciously decided to speak out her two year relationship with the boy bander. It’s the first time she has even acknowledged dating him.

In the September issue of Seventeen, the singer pulls a Jessica Simpson and talks about the love the two used to share. (Oh dear - these two are only 15. What they heck do they really know about love?)

“Nick and I loved each other. We still do, but we were in love with each other. For two years he was basically my 24/7. But it was really hard to keep it from people. We were arguing a lot, and it really wasn’t fun.”

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Gallery: Miley Cyrus Admits Dating Nick Jonas

David Cross and Amber Tamblyn

There are just some things you have to see to believe.

Months ago, it was rumored that 25-year-old (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2) was dating 44-year-old David Cross (Arrested Development). According to the New York Post, the twosome were “making out and barely came up for air the whole night” at an after-party for movie screening.

Now that we’re finally getting our chance to see what they actually look like together, what do you think? (Because, really - you can’t judge a couple until you’ve seen them in print.) Does the pairing seem odd…or do they seem like a good match?

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Bauer-Griffin Online

Gallery: Unlikely Couples: Amber Tamblyn and David Cross

Paris fights back at McCain's ad

John McCain and Barack Obama have taken on many issues, policies, and politicians in their day, yet I’m not sure that they can handle what has come next for them. In fact, they just might want to team up to take on this very powerful common enemy that has ostentatiously made herself known: Paris Hilton.

The infamous heiress recently released a spoof video (seen after the jump) as a response to John McCain’s recent political ad, in which Paris makes an unauthorized appearance. I would, too, if my family donated a few million dollars to his campaign and my face ended up in his commercial without my consent!

In the video, Paris pokes fun of the “wrinkly” senator as well as his opponent and herself, suggesting that she run for president and paint the White House pink, among other things.

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Gallery: Paris Hilton Takes On John McCain

John McCain, Barack Obama

Presidential contender John McCain isn’t going to let pithy messages from keep him from the goal - making competitor Barack Obama seem like the lesser of two choices.

Today, many are busy laughing at Hilton’s recent comeback to ’s political ads, but already the republican has issued a new anti-Obama spot. The new TV spot is in the same vein as the one which came before, wherein McCain likens Obama to celebrities like Hilton and Britney Spears.

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Yahoo News

Gallery: McCain vs. Obama

