On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Taylor LautnerWhile his New Moon co-stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are fighting tabloids about their “non-existent” romance, Taylor Lautner is fending from 40 year-old women. Who knew that cougars had a thing for wolves?

“I’ve had women in their 40s come up to me and ask if I can sign their underwear! The weirdest thing is that their daughters are with them. I’m at a signing and the mom and the daughter come up, and the mom is the one freaking out. The moms are crazier than the daughters, going: ‘Taylor, I’m wearing your Team Taylor panties, can you sign ‘em?’ And the daughter’s in the background, going: ‘Urrghh, Mom!’”

Here I thought that Lindsay Lohan‘s mom was embarrassing!

Well, can we really blame them? He does look awfully hot in those suits. He ought to take it as a compliment—he might score someone as hot as Demi Moore in the future. Oh wait—he has a hot girlfriend already!

Read More | Splash News

Gallery: Cougars Target Taylor Lautner


Jessica Alba in Sin City

“I never feel sexy. I never do, and that’s the truth.”

- Valentine’s Day actress Jessica Alba on her self-esteem issues. Sounds like Megan Fox is rubbing off on her!

(Make sure to check out our other notable quotes.)

Read More | E! Online

Gallery: Quote of the Day: Jessica Alba on Not Feeling Sexy

Lady Gaga hiding from London paparazzi

As much as I adore Lady Gaga, I find it hard to believe that she would be hiding from the paparazzi. This is someone who lives in the spotlight, soaking up all the fame and attention she can acquire. So what gives as of late?

Was her makeup and attire too normal for her standard outings? She was snapped up in London this past week with little more than lingerie!

Perhaps she’s been exhausted over her new video, which she postponed a day due to her perfectionism. Whatever it is, let’s hope she gets well soon!

Read More | Gaga Daily

Gallery: Lady Gaga Hides From Paparazzi

Halle Berry, Gabriel Aubry and Nahla

Some families have the looks. Others have style. Then there are those who make us want to cry because they’re blessed with both.

Now, I don’t know about you—but I can’t recall the last time my husband and I looked runway ready, let alone color-coordinated, the last time we walked off an airplane. But , Gabriel Aubry and their daughter Nahla somehow managed to pull it off during their flight to LAX yesterday.

Is there something besides free alcohol that I’m missing up in first class?

Read More | Daily Mail

Gallery: Coordinated Look of the Day: Halle Berry and Family

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the cover of Harper's BazaarIn a sad but much needed effort to boost magazine sales, Harper’s Bazaar placed Twilight stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on their December cover.

While their pose on the cover comes off rather awkward (where is her neck? why do his fingers don’t seem to want to touch her? why does she look like Ashley Greene?), the photos coinciding with their interviews (seen after the jump) seem too natural to be an act, piling more evidence to their questionable real-life romance.

Shot by Mark Seliger, the photo shoot is very noir-inspired—the goal was to make Kristen look “vampish and sexy.” The tomboy traded in her Converses and Rock & Republic frocks for a gorgeous Alexander McQueen gown, as well as Valentino and Yves St. Laurent pieces. While anything and everything looks good on Pattinson, he wears Dior Homme (in case you wanted to note that somewhere in your homemade shrine).

I’m beginning to think that the two stay tight-lipped about their relationship just so we crave these magazine features and interviews—would we really be that interested in all of this Twilight hoopla if we weren’t trying to figure out if they were together in real life?

Click to continue reading Robsten Goes Noir For Harper’s Bazaar

Read More | Harper's Bazaar via The Cut

Gallery: Robsten Goes Noir For Harper’s Bazaar

Noah Cyrus in her Elvira costume

Taking some tips from her big sister, Miley Cyrus, Noah Cyrus stirred up controversy over her Halloween costume, prompting Disney Girl to prohibit the photos’ publication.

Attending Jamie Lee Curtis’s Dream Halloween this past weekend, 9 year-old Cyrus showed up in a tight-fitting mini dress with knee-high leather boots. To top that off, dark eye makeup and red lipstick were applied to her small face.

Disney Girl‘s editor, Fiona Wright, spoke about her decision to not print the photos:

Click to continue reading Disney Magazine Bans Noah Cyrus Halloween Photo

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Gallery: Disney Magazine Bans Noah Cyrus Halloween Photo

Donatella Versace and Lindsay Lohan

For today’s installment, we have social butterfly Lindsay Lohan on the left and fashion icon Donatella Versace on the right, who both attended the Whitney Gala this past week.

I hope that someone has told Lohan that looking more like Donatella is not going to make her a better creative advisor at Ungaro.

(Make sure to check out more of our Celebrity Double-Takes here, here and here.)

Gallery: Celebrity Double-Take: Donatella Versace vs. Lindsay Lohan

Halle Berry feels like a “man in drag” if she wears too much makeup.

The X-Men actress - who is considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful women - prefers to show off her natural good looks rather than spend time applying beauty products. “Less is more. When I wear too much makeup, I feel like a man in drag. I prefer to be low-maintenance,” she said.

Halle - who has an 18-month-old daughter, Nahla, with boyfriend Gabriel Aubry and is rumored to be having a second child - has revealed she dedicates even less time to preening herself since Nahla was born.

“My beauty routine has changed since I became a mother. Now all my efforts are for her. I don’t style my hair much any more, but I do hers all the time!” she explained to Britain’s InStyle magazine.

The 43-year-old actress has previously revealed she loves having a family and believes starting a family has changed her life.

“Motherhood will always be my priority now, especially because I had a child for the first time at 41. My priority had been myself for a long time, but now it will always be Nahla. You think you know what love is - until you have a child and discover that unconditional mother love,” she said.

Gallery: Halle Berry LIkes to Be Au Naturale

Robert Pattinson on the cover of AnOther ManFor not being a fan of his own face, Twilight hunk Robert Pattinson is not helping his case when he’s styled like iconic heartthrob James Dean on this month’s cover of AnOther Man.

The black-and-white, the perfectly-tousled hair, the I-know-I’m-hot-but-I’m-going-to-look-mysterious facial expression. No, you definitely do not have me fooled, Mr. Pattinson. Johnny Depp already did this way before you—find another avenue to feel sorry for your woe-is-me self on.

“Annoyingly, there are so few parts I feel I can add anything to, or that I want to do. I don’t want to be an actor for the sake of it. I don’t find any particular pleasure in being an attention-seeker,” Pattinson said. Right. That’s why you signed on to Twilight in the first place, beating out 5,000 other actors for the coveted role of Edward Cullen.

That’s not to say that I still don’t enjoy drooling over his pictures, like the one after the jump…

Click to continue reading Robert Pattinson Channels James Dean, Johnny Depp

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Gallery: Robert Pattinson Channels James Dean, Johnny Depp

Drew Barrymore in supposedly non-Halloween, normal attire

“I’m very peeved Halloween only comes once a year.”

- Actress Drew Barrymore, who’s been notorious for her questionable outfits lately. To me, it seems as if she already thought that Halloween was every day!

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

Read More | People

Gallery: Quote of the Day: Drew Barrymore and Her Halloween Wish

