On Gear Live: Apple’s HUGE Siri Apple Intelligence Fumble w/ John Gruber - Geared Up 205

Jessica Simpson Carrie Underwood

In a recent interview, famous American Idol stated that ex-boyfriend Tony Romo still calls her up from time to time. “The phone will ring and it’ll be him, and I’ll maybe not answer,” Underwood stated.

After Romo and Underwood split in 2006, the Cowboy moved on to once-pop princess-now country gal , who took a fashion dig at Underwood by wearing a T that stated “Real Girls Eat Meat.” Now, the cattiness continues.

In response to Underwood’s statement that Romo still calls her, Simpson stated that she “looked at his call log,” and that Underwood’s words are untrue.

Whoa. While many suspicious girlfriends keep tabs of phone calls made to and by their men, it’s not the kind of thing you want to get caught doing - and it’s not the kind of thing you want to admit to the press, either. Looks like Jess is keeping tight tabs on her man - and she doesn’t care who knows it.

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E! Online

Gallery: Jessica Simpson vs. Carrie Underwood


John McCain

For a man who seems to shun celebrity, certainly has been in the media a lot lately - and little of the coverage has to do with his policy or his plans for the country. The republican will now get more attention for a wholly different reason…he’s being sued.

McCain’s political strategy, thus far, has been to undermine presidential competitor by calling him that dirtiest of all words - a celebrity. In the ads, McCain shows clips of Obama with his adoring public while the Jackson Browne hit “Running on Empty” plays in the background. Here’s the problem: McCain never got permission to use the song.


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Gallery: John McCain in the Spotlight

Christian Bale won't be charged for family assault After nearly living a month with the heavy shadow of family assault allegations over his head, Christian Bale and his fans can sleep a little better tonight—police authorities have announced that they will not be charging him.

In a statement released earlier today, Crown Prosecution Service said,

“We can today confirm that we have advised the Metropolitan Police Service that the actor Christian Bale should not face any charges. [There was] insufficient evident to afford a realistic prospect of conviction… the police have been advised that no further action should be taken against Mr. Bale.”

This serves plenty of vindication for The Dark Knight star, who has denied the allegations from the very beginning. We knew that Batman would never hurt his mom!

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E! Online

Gallery: British Authorities Will Not Charge Christian Bale

Jonas Brothers

Even though is hesitant to talk about the women in his life, his older brother doesn’t seem to have a problem sharing his opinions.

Just days learning about the love Miley Cyrus and Nick used to share, Kevin Jonas wore a very telling shirt outside of the band’s New York City hotel.

I mean - if one were to wear a “Team Demi and Selena” tee, that would mean that they were endorsing a side, right?

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E! Online

Gallery: Kevin Jonas Chooses Team Gomez

Barack Obama

Change! It’s been his promise and his slogan for many moons now, and isn’t going to let his message get too stale. Having trouble following the presidential contender’s policy plans? Not seeing any helpful debates on television that might allow you make up your mind about where to cast your vote?

Just get the book. Starting September 9, you too can purchase Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama’s Plan to Renew America’s Promise, which will hit the bookshelves on that date. The price is $13.95 USD, the proceeds of which will be donated to an as-yet-unnamed charity. You can also purchase an e-version of this book starting September 8 for the same price.

Click to continue reading Barack Obama Does More Than Talk Change

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Yahoo! News

Gallery: Barack Obama Does More Than Talk Change

Paris fights back at McCain's ad

John McCain and Barack Obama have taken on many issues, policies, and politicians in their day, yet I’m not sure that they can handle what has come next for them. In fact, they just might want to team up to take on this very powerful common enemy that has ostentatiously made herself known: Paris Hilton.

The infamous heiress recently released a spoof video (seen after the jump) as a response to John McCain’s recent political ad, in which Paris makes an unauthorized appearance. I would, too, if my family donated a few million dollars to his campaign and my face ended up in his commercial without my consent!

In the video, Paris pokes fun of the “wrinkly” senator as well as his opponent and herself, suggesting that she run for president and paint the White House pink, among other things.

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Gallery: Paris Hilton Takes On John McCain

John McCain, Barack Obama

Presidential contender John McCain isn’t going to let pithy messages from keep him from the goal - making competitor Barack Obama seem like the lesser of two choices.

Today, many are busy laughing at Hilton’s recent comeback to ’s political ads, but already the republican has issued a new anti-Obama spot. The new TV spot is in the same vein as the one which came before, wherein McCain likens Obama to celebrities like Hilton and Britney Spears.

Click to continue reading McCain vs. Obama

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Yahoo News

Gallery: McCain vs. Obama

John McCain, Barack Obama

Politicians are not celebrities. Celebrities are not politicians. ...Or, are they? The fur is really starting to fly in the election. Presidential candidate has likened to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Rappers who support Obama have released tracks dissing John McCain. What happens when politics and celebrity mix? Nothing good.

In one of his political ads, McCain seems to be trying to undermine Obama as a presidential contender - calling him a star instead of the vehicle of change Obama claims to be. It isn’t odd for politicians to use celebrities to further their own cause, and it isn’t even odd for celebrities to decide to become politicians.

So maybe it’s even the norm for celebrities and politics to mix…but should they? Sometimes, celebs can do much more harm than good when they back a certain candidate.

Click to continue reading Entertaining Politics

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E! Online

Gallery: Entertaining Politics

Isabel Lucas may be in a bit of trouble as wellBy the looks of it, Shia LaBeouf’s DUI charges may not be the last of his problems concerning this accident.

Days have gone by with all of us wondering who was in the passenger’s seat? Well, turns out it’s his Transformers 2 costar Isabel Lucas. The problem is that Lucas isn’t dating Shia—she’s dating Entourage star Adrian Grenier!

Lucas, who has been dating Grenier since February, may be in a bit of a relationship difficulty, considering sources are saying Grenier isn’t happy with the fact that his girlfriend was out partying with her gorgeous costar in the wee hours of the Hollywood morning. When asked to comment on how Lucas was feeling post-crash, Grenier became a bit quick-tempered and refused to comment.

It may have been a slightly bad call on Isabel’s part, seeing as her “friend” has a misdemeanor on his hands for drunk driving.

(You can find updates to this story here.)

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New York Daily News

Gallery: Shia LaBeouf’s Passenger Isn’t Dating Shia

UPDATE: You can hear Miley delivering a weak explanation for her video here.

Thank goodness I wrote that tween primer the other day. Otherwise, I’d probably have no clue who half these girls were.

When I mentioned that Selena Gomez was now linked to Nick Jonas, I forgot to mention one minor detail: Nick Jonas was previously linked to . That last piece of information is important because it’s believed to be the reason behind Miley’s recent YouTube parody.

In the following clip, you will see a video made by Selena Gomez and friend Demi Lovato. You will also see Miley and her friend, Mandy, doing their best impressions of the two girls. Do you think Hannah Montana was being funny…or was she simply acting nasty?

Whether it be on an iPhone or on home video, Miley sure does love to expose her true colors!

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Us Magazine

Gallery: Cyrus Mocks Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

