Katharine McPhee’s Unlikely Savior

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: D-List, Music, Videos, Paparazzi Videos, Where Are They Now?,

Surrounded by the paps as she ambled down the sidewalk on what was obviously a slow celebrity day, American Idol runner-up Katharine McPhee gamely kept her cool as she was hounded by pushy press and bright, flashing bulbs. She seemed fine if a little frazzled in the middle of the media crush, but she was all on her own until a single heroine stepped forth.
Found out who saved McPhee - and how - by viewing the video after the jump.
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Why is Julia Roberts Pissed at the Paps?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Movies, Celebrity Babies, Videos, Paparazzi Videos,
Julia Roberts, who shot to fame after her breakout role in Pretty Woman, has been an A-list star for over a decade. She’s one of the world’s most beautiful women and a truly bankable movie star. But she’s also a mother - just ask the paparazzi.
The actress stopped her vehicle to scream obscenities at a Web-camming photog after he’d allegedly follower her “all over town.” Yelling that she had her children with her, Roberts demanded the pap “get away from me!” Evidently Roberts had been chased by the man for some time before blowing her stack. Even movie stars can only be pushed so far.
Read More | Perez Hilton
Gallery: Why is Julia Roberts Pissed at the Paps?
Is Hilary Duff Engaged?

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Music, Television, Engagements, Videos, Paparazzi Videos, Rumors,
Can you believe how quickly time has flown by? It seems just like yesterday that Hilary Duff and Joel Madden were still an item. Now, the Good Charlotte musician is celebrating parenthood with Nicole Richie. Meanwhile, Duff might have a bit of celebrating of her own to do.
Based on appearances Friday night, it looks like rumors about the pop star’s engagement might actually be true. Hilary, who was out with her Canadian hockey player beau, was spotted outside Il Sole with an interesting piece of bling on her ring finger.
When asked directly about a possible betrothal, the 20-year-old simply smiled while trying to dodge the photographers’ questions. (You can see that video after the jump.) Mike Comrie, 27, didn’t attempt to clear the matter up either.
All I can say is - thank God she (and Lindsay) both moved on from Aaron Carter. Does anyone even remember why those two even liked him to begin with?
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E! Online
Gallery: Is Hilary Duff Engaged?
Lindsay Lohan Barks Back at LAPD’s Gay Remark

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Music, Television, Kind Acts, Legal Issues, Oops Videos, Paparazzi Videos, Oops Photos, Paparazzi Photos,
As celebrities like Eric Roberts, John Mayer, and Milo Ventimiglia pushed for a crack down on paparazzi laws earlier this week, LAPD Chief William Bratton shared his true feelings about the paparazzi to reporters:
“If you notice, since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving; Paris is out of town not bothering anybody anymore, thank God, and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don’t seem to have much of an issue.”
Despite whether it’s true or not, Lindsay wasn’t too happy with the police chief’s remark, stating that “Police chiefs shouldn’t get involved in everyone else’s business when it comes to their personal life. It’s inappropriate.”
Surprisingly, I’d have to agree with her for once. At the same time, one can argue that she is one of the major contributing factors (along with Britney and Paris) in the rise of crazed paparazzi, yet Bratton, in my opinion, really had no right to say what he did as a police official.
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New York Daily News
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Breaking News: Britney Checks Out!

Posted by Elaine Furst Categories: Music, Meltdowns, Paparazzi Videos, Breaking News,
Well, the paps in Britney’s neighborhood better get their camera gear ready—Britney Spears just checked herself out of the psych ward!
According to E! Online, the troubled singer left the UCLA Medical Center shortly before noon today and is now ensconced in one of her Beverly Hills abodes. (You can see pics of her driving around below.)
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E! Online
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50 Cent Brings Paris Hilton To Tears

Posted by Elaine Furst Categories: Music, Parties, Photos, Paparazzi Videos, Features,
Paris Hilton was caught crying at a Super Bowl party, and it had nothing to do with the New England Patriots’ bitter defeat.
Hilton hosted the pre-Super Bowl bash in Arizona last week and was dancing in front of partygoers. But when 50 Cent, the party guest of honor, showed up, things got ugly.
Paris attempted to dance on stage with the rapper, who was unfortunately having none of it. 50 Cent shouted “Get the F—K off my stage.” Paris then broke down in tears, crying to a party planner “but it’s my party.”
PageSix.com reports that several members of Hilton’s entourage swarmed paparazzi at the party, but weren’t able to stop photos of Hilton tearing up from being taken. The site also reports that Hilton and 50 Cent still remain friends after the incident.
New York Post
Gallery: 50 Cent Brings Paris Hilton To Tears
Paparazzi catch Britney’s latest wardrobe malfunction on tape

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Music, Clothing, Videos, Oops Videos, Paparazzi Videos,

Britney Spears had a Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction at Millennium Dance Studio, briefly flashing her bosom as she dances with herself inside a privately-rented studio with only Sam Lutfi present. We aren’t sure what’s worse - the video itself, or the casual conversation taking place outside while this guy is trying to film through the window. You be the judge. We’ve got the video for you, after the jump.
Gallery: Paparazzi catch Britney’s latest wardrobe malfunction on tape
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