Bai Ling Just Wants to Shop

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Television, Photos, Paparazzi Photos,
...and flirt with the paparazzi! Bai Ling was out and about in Hollywood yesterday, apparently trying to do some shopping on a major holiday.
As she paraded around her red Mercedes-Benz, she posed for photographers (pictures after the jump) as she inquired as to which stores where open and, more importantly, where she can find an Apple store. Let’s just hope that she isn’t planning to repeat history, as she had plead guilty to shoplifting at LAX last year.
Despite her politeness with the photogs, the one with the video camera had the nerve to zoom in on her crotch as she was driving away!
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Britney Spears Spotted Without Ring

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Music, Dating, Engagements, Photos, Paparazzi Photos, Rumors,

The Princess of Pop continues to keep us entertained! Just last week, paparazzi snapped up photos of Britney Spears wearing a ring on her left hand. Now the ring is nowhere to be found…
Oh Britney, what is with this guessing game? We miss the blatancy of your actions!
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Gallery: Britney Spears Spotted Without Ring
Lady Gaga Sports a Button on Her Head

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Music, Hair Styles, Style, Charity, Paparazzi Photos,

If Sarah Jessica Parker’s twins don’t make you feel better this week, perhaps the new hairdo atop Lady Gaga’s head will.
Lady Gaga was snapped up by the paparazzi in England today, leaving an AIDS charity event with a gigantic button that seemed entirely disproportional and illegal. Following up her hair bow and hair cone styles, the queen of (highly) questionable fashion was definitely aiming to outdo herself with this button hair look.
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Gallery: Lady Gaga Sports a Button on Her Head
Britney Spears Goes Brunette (Again)

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Music, Hair Styles, Photos, Paparazzi Photos,

Britney Spears never slows down: first she prances around Los Angeles with a ring on her finger. Now she shows up around town with darker locks!
Personally, I like her with whatever hair (except when she doesn’t have any at all); she seems to pull off most of them. I am also glad to see her seemingly-happy these days in her photos.
Well, what do you think of her darker look?
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Gallery: Britney Spears Goes Brunette (Again)
Britney Spears Mixes Business with Boyfriend…Again

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Dating, Hook-ups, Photos, Paparazzi Photos, Rumors,

Britney Spears, platinum recording artist and mother of two, doesn’t have a lot of time between picking out skimpy outfits, learning her choreography and globetrotting for her tour to seek out a new man. So, she just picks from among those closest to her…co-workers.
Thus far, Brit’s dating style hasn’t exactly worked for her in the past…but why not keep trying, anyway?
According to TMZ, “multiple sources” are now confirming that Spears is indeed dating one of her agents. She was recently pictured frolicking on a beach in a bikini with Jason Trawick of the world-renown William Morris Agency…but apparently, it’s not a service that’s available to every single client of the celebrated firm. Just, you know, the celebrities their agents might be dating at the time.
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Gallery: Britney Spears Mixes Business with Boyfriend…Again
Off-Screen Romance for Slumdog Millionaire Couple

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Hook-ups, Photos, Paparazzi Photos,

You can always count on Mom to tell it like it is.
Despite an endless number of denials about their off-screen relationship, Anita Patel’s mother has finally confirmed the obvious: her son is dating costar Freida Pinto.
The reveal comes just days after the Slumdog Millionaire actors were seen sharing a romantic moment in Israel. (Pinto, 24, is currently filming Julian Schnabel’s Miral in Jerusalem.)
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Gallery: Off-Screen Romance for Slumdog Millionaire Couple
Jennifer Love Hewitt: Evening Wear for Breakfast

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Movies, Television, Birthdays, Photos, Paparazzi Photos,

In what is truly one of the strangest publicity stunts I’ve seen, actress Jennifer Love Hewitt re-created a famous movie scene once acted out by a screen legend. Taking a stroll down the streets of New York City on her thirtieth birthday, Hewitt wore a long black gown, diamond gems and big black sunglasses.
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Gallery: Jennifer Love Hewitt: Evening Wear for Breakfast
Picture of the Day: Jude Law Stabs Us with His Eyes

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Photos, Paparazzi Photos,

In this picture, Jude Law is saying….
When it comes to privacy, some celebrities think breaking a paparazzo’s camera is the way to go. Others simply promise to kill with very little action at all.
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Gallery: Picture of the Day: Jude Law Stabs Us with His Eyes
Paris Parades BFF for Paps

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Television, Photos, Paparazzi Photos, Rumors,
For the holiday season, Paris Hilton is doing some relaxing shopping in Aspen - with MTV reality-chosen BFF Brittany Flickinger in tow.
According to reports, Paris and her BFF were joined on holiday by sis Nicky Hilton and her boyfriend David Katzenberg. Hilton parents Rick and Kathy were on hand as well. Rumor has it that the entire group enjoyed the Caribou Club two nights in a row - though the elder Hiltons left the dance floor to their daughters well before the heiresses were ready to quit.
Paris has recently been spotted hanging with BFF Brittany on other occasions as well. The duo have been photographed shopping and dining together in the past month, which would seem to prove that Paris didn’t ditch her newfound friend once the cameras stopped rolling on her reality show.
But, that’s probably the point of all these photo ops.
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Gallery: Paris Parades BFF for Paps
Unnecessary Photo of the Day: Sienna Miller Hiding

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Photos, Paparazzi Photos,

After seeing this new photo of Sienna Miller, I felt compelled to say a few things to the Mistress of Disguise.
- Why bother covering up? We’ve already seen you naked.
- Hiding won’t make the photographers go away. If anything, they’ll just try harder next time.
- Try smiling. It’ll throw the paps off.
- Blocking your face won’t necessarily make us less interested. If anything, you’ve just increased the value of the shot.
- You do realize that we can still see you…right?
Gallery: Unnecessary Photo of the Day: Sienna Miller Hiding
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