Are Hermione and Harry Potter a Real-Life Couple?

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Music, Hook-ups, Child Stars, Rumors,
Who knew Hermione was the British version of Paris Hilton?
Although we are used to the ever-changing lives of our American celebrities, we haven’t really become accustomed to following the rituals of their U.K. counterparts. Well, when the gossip concerns one of the famous Harry Potter stars, it’s really hard to look away.
Just last week, Emma Watson was criticized in the press for supposedly associating herself with 27-year-old rocker Johnny Borrell. (Wondering who he is? He’s the lead singer of a band called Razorlight.) Although the 17-year-old actress denied dating the musician, many were hoping she would stay away from the “hell-raiser”.
One week later, Hermione Granger has now been linked to a new fella: Daniel Radcliffe. The 17-year-old actor (someone her age!) was reportedly spotted with his co-star on a Valentine’s date, of all things. After leaving a London pub, they then supposedly left in the direction of Radcliffe’s home.
Ooh, I like British gossip!
Daily Mirror
Gallery: Are Hermione and Harry Potter a Real-Life Couple?
As reported earlier, Lindsay Lohan was the subject of a Marilyn Monroe-esque photo spread appearing in New York magazine. Lohan posed nude for Bert Stern, as did Monroe forty-six years ago.
Here’s the difference: Marilyn Monroe was quite possibly the world’s biggest star at the time of her famed photo shoot. Posing nude was risqué, even potentially dangerous for her career. Monroe’s shoot appeared in Vogue, which in the 1960’s took a whole new approach to publishing by focusing on fashion and elements that spoke to the sexual revolution of the day. Blonde, gorgeous Marilyn Monroe was the perfect cover girl for sexual revolution.
Here’s Lindsay Lohan: Gone from the movie industry for several months and with very few projects in the till, Lohan has to keep reminding everyone she’s a star. She’s got to get her career back on track - quick. Why not simply become a legend…or at least, look like one? By capitalizing on the stardom of Monroe, can Lohan find her own again?
I’m not splitting hairs, here. I mean, honestly I’m a Lindsay Lohan fan. But Lohan is not at all similar (in career, looks, love life or ability) to Monroe. What was incredible in the 60s is totally mundane today. Lohan does look great in the shoot…but can’t we get a little creativity from our so-called stars?
LA Times
Gallery: Remembering Marilyn Monroe
Divorce News: Pink and Carey Hart

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Music, Television, Divorce, Rumors,
After two years of marriage, singer Pink and motocross rider Carey Hart are calling it quits.
The two, who were married in Costa Rica in January 2006, had endured rumors of an oncoming split for some time now. Although Carey, 32, had been the subject of infidelity gossip in the past couple of months, the couple had always denied a rift in their relationship.
Pink’s publicist released the following statement to People magazine:
“Pink and Carey Hart have separated. This decision was made by best friends with a huge amount of love and respect for one another.”
The singer, 28, asked the former Surreal Life star to marry her back in 2005. She had written the proposal on a message board which he had to read while competing in a race.
Gallery: Divorce News: Pink and Carey Hart
Paul McCartney Makes Heather Mills a Millionaire

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Music, Divorce, Legal Issues,
Come next week, Heather Mills will not just be the most-hated women in Britain, she’ll also be one of the wealthiest.
According to UK’s Daily Mail, there may finally be an end to the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills divorce saga. The two, who announced their separation back in May 2006, have been negotiating in court over the past week. The Beatle and the Dancing with the Stars contender were married back in June 2002.
The Mail claims Mills is expected to receive a $110 million settlement. That figure is based on $40 million lump sum for her, and approximately $5 million per year for the McCartney heir up until the age of 18. (Beatrice is currently 4-years-old.) Stella’s half-sis will also have a $2 million trust waiting for her when she comes of age. In all, Mills will be raking in approximately $27.5 million for each year she was married to the music legend.
Click to continue reading Paul McCartney Makes Heather Mills a Millionaire
Daily Mail
Gallery: Paul McCartney Makes Heather Mills a Millionaire
First Spears Husband Steps Forward

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Music, Divorce, Celebrity Babies, Meltdowns, Rumors,
Okay, so does anybody remember the guy Britney Spears married before the K-Fed melodrama started? Like the actor, his name is Jason Alexander - and maybe he’s thinking his 15 minute of fame aren’t over yet.
Alexander sat down recently to do an interview with In Touch magazine, and though he was married to the pop tart for only 55 hours, his opinion of her is being treated as though it’s utterly important and relevant to Brit’s current behavior.
His comments don’t at all cast Brit in a favorable light. Alexander on Spears and her kids: “She wants to see them, but she doesn’t want to be a full-time mom. She said it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t get them back full time, and that she can always have other kids later on.” Dayum. Alexander further said that he and Brit recently reestablished friendship ties and that he heard the former comments from Spears herself.
Gallery: First Spears Husband Steps Forward
Heidi Montag’s Video Made Us - and Her - Cry

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Music, Television, Videos, Editorials,
Last week, we gave you the chance to check out Heidi Montag‘s new music video for her new single, Higher. (You can view it again here.)
After the clip splashed across the internet, negative reviews about the cheap production, weak song and talentless performer came fast and furious. Unfortunately, it was more than The Hills star was prepared to take.
In an interview with Us Magazine, Montag admitted to feeling crushed by the comments:
“I cried myself to sleep that first night after my video came out. I just couldn’t understand why people I didn’t even know felt the need to be so cruel and hurtful toward me.”
Uhh, well you assaulted our eyes. How about telling us why the piece of film looked like crap?
“We were at the beach and, literally, Spencer had his camera and a boom box in the trunk. We did it in one take, maybe two, and it took us 20 minutes to film and cost us zero dollars.”
Boom box, nice. Well that pathetic excuse only explains the visual quality, Heidi. It doesn’t explain why you have absolutely no rhythm and lack the ability to lip synch. Get back to us when you have an answer for that.
Us Magazine
Gallery: Heidi Montag’s Video Made Us - and Her - Cry
Dolly Parton’s Large Front Causes Problems with Her Back

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Music,
Add large breasts to a tiny frame and what do you get? A postponed concert tour.
Although she was weeks away from promoting her latest album, Dolly Parton has been asked to give herself - and her gals - a rest.
It seems the country singer, who is probably best known for being full of life as well as her full bra, needs to take care of some ongoing physical issues. As Parton put it, “Hey, you try wagging these puppies around a while and see if you don’t have back problems.”
Unfortunately a prescribed break will mean a delay of her upcoming shows. The tour - originally scheduled to begin at the end of this month - will now be pushed back until at least April.
Until then, Dolly’s next album, Backwoods Barbie, will be available in stores Feb. 26th.
Gallery: Dolly Parton’s Large Front Causes Problems with Her Back
James Blunt Is Sweet and Creepy

Posted by Jacci Lewis Categories: Music, Television, Weddings, Kind Acts, Editorials,
I’m sure James Blunt is a perfectly nice guy, but something about him just creeps me the heck out.
Today on the Ellen show, Blunt told an audience for the countless time how he sold his sister to a wealthy man on eBay. Now they are married.
The story sort of has a legitimate beginning. Blunt, a self-proclaimed eBay addict, says his sister Emily had no way to get to a funeral in Ireland.
The “You’re Beautiful” singer came up with the bright idea of listing her on the popular auction website as a ‘damsel in distress’. The highest bidder was a man with a helicopter and apparently no qualms about the white slavery aspects of the deal. They hit it off, moved in together and got married about 6 months ago.
Blunt says he hasn’t decided whether to offer up his remaining sister to the highest bidder. Ick.
Gallery: James Blunt Is Sweet and Creepy
For years now, I’ve made the habit of adding asterisks to my age. (I’ll just say that I’m somewhere around 30****.) Now the release of a special album has forced me to address my declining youth once again.
Tomorrow, Thriller 25 will be the latest Michael Jackson CD to hit the stores. This means we’ve now hit the classic album’s silver anniversary. (Technically, it was released in December 1982.) I swear I can see his protruding wrist bones splashed inside the cover like it was yesterday…
Tuesday’s deluxe edition will not only include remixes of the classic tracks (contributing artists include Akon, and Kanye West) but several bonus songs as well. One of those new additions, “For All Time”, is a record that never made the original cut. It has since been tweaked for the 2008 update. (You can listen to it here.) While I would not consider the song memorable, it does bring back fond memories of a less freakish era.)
Click to continue reading Listen to New Michael Jackson Track
Us Magazine
Gallery: Listen to New Michael Jackson Track
Why Cher and Tom Cruise Broke Up

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Music, Break-ups, Photos,

Last night, Cher revealed in a Nightline interview that she once dated a pre-Scientology Tom Cruise.
I have to wonder if her relatively large head had anything to do with relationship’s demise.
Gallery: Why Cher and Tom Cruise Broke Up
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