On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Today, singer , in his best Hell’s Kitchen outfit, finally delivered a public apology for assaulting Rihanna.

After watching the clip, tell us what you think. Did you feel his confession was truly heartfelt, or was it just about ensuring record sales? Are you willing to give him a second chance, or did the rehearsed lines come 5 months too late?

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Gallery: VIDEO: Chris Brown Publicly Apologizes for Assaulting Rihanna


Jeffrey Donovan mug shotUPDATE: According to TMZ, Donovan told police that he made the mistake of “drinking Benadryl with 3 glasses of wine.”

Actor was burned by cops earlier this month after an arrest in Florida.

The star was pulled over in Miami Beach on July 12 for suspicion of DUI. According to TMZ, the 41-year-old was booked then released several hours later. No word on any possible breathalyzer tests at this point.

Donovan’s show currently airs Thursday nights @ 9:00 on the USA network.

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Gallery: Burn Notice’s Jeffrey Donovan Arrested for DUI

Michael Jackson kids

The Jackson custody hearing, scheduled to commence Monday, has now been pushed back to August 3. It’s only another of many postponements in the case, which has been repeatedly delayed as (Michael’s mother and the current custody-holder) and Debbie Rowe (biological mom to the two oldest kids) work behind the scenes to decide upon an appropriate settlement.

According to reports, the hearing has been delayed because the two are actually close to reaching a settlement. Until the August hearing, Katherine will retain custody of the kids.

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Gallery: Jackson Custody Hearing Postponed - Again!

Debbie RoweIt isn’t often that the New York Post makes a mistake, but when they do, they do it pretty big. The front-page banner ad printed by the paper today, claiming that will accept $4 million in exchange for dropping her custody claim, is inaccurate.

Not only inaccurate, it’s created a resulting media fire storm of lawyers, angry letters and additional headlines. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the false story was planted on purpose for just this reason…

Click to continue reading Debbie Rowe Plays She Said, They Said With the Press

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Gallery: Debbie Rowe Plays She Said, They Said With the Press

Paris Michael and Prince Michael Jackson

The custody hearing for ’s three children has been pushed back again. The event has now been moved to July 20 so that biological mom Debbie Rowe and grandmother Katherine Jackson can continue to battle…sorry, talk it out. In the meantime, Jackson will continue to serve as the guardian for all three children per her son Michael’s last will and testament.

In a statement from Mrs. Jackson, attorney L. Londell Mitchell said he hopes both parties may “privately and amicably resolve this most important matter in a dignified manner, for the benefit of the children.”

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Debbie Rowe

Debbie Rowe, surrogate mother to ’s two oldest children, is now bucking for custody of all three of the surviving Jackson tots.

Rowe carried and delivered Michael Joseph and Paris-Michael, impregnated with both via IVF (in vitro fertilization). She recently stepped forward to say she was not just the surrogate of the children but the biological mother of both. It’s still unclear whether or not Michael Jackson is the biological father of any of the three children to whom he was the primary caregiver. Rowe never had custody of the two children…but now, she wants it. Not just that, she’s bucking to get custody of the youngest Jackson child as well.

Click to continue reading Debbie Rowe Makes a Play for Michael Jackson’s Kids

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Gallery: Debbie Rowe Makes a Play for Michael Jackson’s Kids

Michael Jackson

UPDATE: has released the full contents of Michael Jackson’s will. In it, the King of Pop names mom Katherine as the primary caregiver for his kids. In case grandma can’t rise to the challenge, Jackson names longtime friend Diana Ross as the second choice to mother his brood of three. Jackson also states that he intentionally did not include Debbie Rowe (mother to at least two of the Jackson tots) in the document.

Despite claims made by Joe and Katherine Jackson that their son Michael died without a will, one has miraculously come to light. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the information this document contains…and things don’t look so great for dad .

According to WSJ, the will divides most of ’s assets between his three kids, mom Katherine Jackson and one or more charities. Dad Joe isn’t mentioned and doesn’t stand to inherit a thing from the King of Pop.

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Michael JacksonFor years, speculation and suspicion have surrounded ’s two oldest children (Michael Joseph and Paris-Michael). Debbie Rowe, Jackson’s wife at the time, delivered the children after becoming impregnated via IVF. She has recently stepped forward to say she is, in fact, their biological mother - though she released custody and claim to these kids years ago in favor of pop Michael.

Yet, the question remains. If Debbie Rowe is the mother, who is the biological father? It seems unlikely, to say the least, that MJ himself could be the daddy (genetically speaking). The media has often speculated that Jackson’s DNA was not used to create the kids.

So…whose was?

Click to continue reading Michael’s Kids: Does the Jackson Family Even Have Parental Rights?

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Gallery: Michael’s Kids: Does the Jackson Family Even Have Parental Rights?

At the height of his career in the late 80s, when he was doing commercials and worldwide tours for huge audiences, was truly the King of Pop. It was reported that the singer was worth around $2 billion US - not a bad little bit of change.

In the wake of Jackson’s death, however, it’s much harder to pin down a figure. As of right now, the size of Jackson’s estate remains largely unknown. It was reported recently that the singer still had around $350,000, while other sources estimated Jackson at closer to $800 million. Some reports even suggest that Jackson was actually in debt - one news organization says the amount could reach up to $500 million.

Who will inherit the burden or largesse, such as the case may be? This, too, remains a mystery. Early reports and court documents filed by parents Katherine and Joe Jackson suggested that Michael died intestate (without a will), but a lawyer has stepped forward to refute these claims.

Click to continue reading Legalities and Mystery Shrouds Michael Jackson’s estate

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Michael Jackson Death causeMichael Jackson was pronounced dead at 2.26pm yesterday, it has been confirmed.

The 50-year-old musical legend - who is survived by three children, Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11 and seven-year-old Prince Michael II - suffered a suspected cardiac arrest at his home and was rushed to Los Angeles’ UCLA Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Michael’s manager Frank DiLeo said: “It’s a very sad day for all of us. It’s such a terrible shame. He was my friend. The kids are very upset, but they are fine.”
Michael’s mother Katherine is currently looking after the star’s three children.

An emergency 911 call was made from Michael Jackson’s home at 12.30pm, and Michael had no pulse when medics arrived on the scene. He was in a coma when he arrived at hospital. A hospital statement said: “His personal physician, who was with him at the time, attempted to resuscitate Jackson, as did paramedics who transferred him. A team of doctors including emergency physicians and cardiologists attempted to resuscitate for a period of more than one hour but were unsuccessful.”

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