On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Lauren BacallTom Cruise

Lauren Bacall shimmied onscreen in the 1940s, gaining immediate attention for her glamorous look and throaty, sultry voice. She worked with Hollywood’s greatest stars and sexiest leading men. She even married infinite screen hunk Humphrey Bogart, inspiring the jealousy of many a movie going female. She is truly Old Hollywood royalty - and this matriarch isn’t too happy with at least one member of La La Land’s younger (than her) generation. More to the point, she’s got a big problem with .

“Tom Cruise is a maniac,” Bacall is quoted in a recent magazine article. “I can’t understand the way he conducts his life,” admits the former screen siren. Bacall also talks about Kidman’s split with Cruise, saying the actress was “unhappy” during filming for Dogville (2003).

“Tom had taken off for Penelope Cruz or some (expletive deleted) thing - one of his more ridiculous moves,” she recalls.

, always gracious, did not speak harshly of her ex in the article, talking mainly about her “profound” love with country crooner Keith Urban and her belief in the love between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Good thing you believe it, Nicole, because a lot of the public thinks it’s full of hooey. Apparently, screen legend Lauren Bacall thinks it’s simply Tom Cruise who’s full of hooey.

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Gallery: Old Hollywood Princess Dethrones Cruise



In a recent entry on his vlog, (Diddy) cowered under the covers, spoke in a frightened whisper and admitted to one of his biggest fears: that Sarah Palin, Vice Presidential contender, will become the President of the United States.

, you scare me,” Diddy says dramatically, a single flashbulb illuminating the white sheet surrounding him. “She’s worse than the boogeyman!” He cries, eyes wide and haunted with images of Palin White House.

In the video, Diddy shows a clip of Palin’s interview with Katie Couric and goes on to lament the possibilities of the future. “If I stay under the covers, she won’t become President!” He decides, continuing to cower. View the clip after the jump.

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Filibuster Soup

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MTV Award

Award season is long, fraught with gossip, and seemingly unending. Someone always walks away with a statue - some performers and artists walk away with several. But by the time the same awards are given out the next year, no one really cares who won what the year before.

What we do remember is what they were wearing when they were doing it. People may not remember which Grammy Jennifer Lopez won the year she wore the green Versace gown, but they remember the gown. This year’s may be remembered for several years - the pictures not of moon men statues, but of the clothes everyone wore.

Whose couture sang the sweetest…and whose fashion was completely discordant?

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LA Times

Gallery: VMA Fashion: Who Hit a Sour Note?

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming

Last night in LA, brought girlfriend Emma Heming out to the premiere of The House Bunny. (Bruce’s daughter, Rumer, co-stars in the comedy.)

Now, is it just me - or does the Victoria Secret model seem incredibly creeped out by the man staring at her?

(You can find more “awkward” photos here.)

Gallery: Awkward Photo of the Day: Bruce Willis and Emma Heming


If you happen to be a John McCain supporter - or if you’re for some reason undecided - whatever you do, don’t let Roseanne know.

This weekend, the actress/comedian used her blog to not only bash , but Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt too.

While the Obama supporter had every right to express her opinions about Voight (especially since he wrote an Op-Ed piece blasting the Democratic candidate), her criticisms about Angelina and Brad seemed to come out of left field.

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New York Daily News

Gallery: Roseanne Slams Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Donny and Marie Osmond

Here’s a snapshot from last Friday’s summer concert on .

While I understand the importance of being fully committed to your role, this intensity between Donny and is just a bit too much to take.

Okay, it’s a lot to take.

(You can find more “awkward” photos here.)

Gallery: Awkward Photo of the Day: Donny and Marie

John McCain, Barack Obama

Presidential contender John McCain isn’t going to let pithy messages from keep him from the goal - making competitor Barack Obama seem like the lesser of two choices.

Today, many are busy laughing at Hilton’s recent comeback to ’s political ads, but already the republican has issued a new anti-Obama spot. The new TV spot is in the same vein as the one which came before, wherein McCain likens Obama to celebrities like Hilton and Britney Spears.

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Yahoo News

Gallery: McCain vs. Obama

John McCain, Barack Obama

Politicians are not celebrities. Celebrities are not politicians. ...Or, are they? The fur is really starting to fly in the election. Presidential candidate has likened to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Rappers who support Obama have released tracks dissing John McCain. What happens when politics and celebrity mix? Nothing good.

In one of his political ads, McCain seems to be trying to undermine Obama as a presidential contender - calling him a star instead of the vehicle of change Obama claims to be. It isn’t odd for politicians to use celebrities to further their own cause, and it isn’t even odd for celebrities to decide to become politicians.

So maybe it’s even the norm for celebrities and politics to mix…but should they? Sometimes, celebs can do much more harm than good when they back a certain candidate.

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E! Online

Gallery: Entertaining Politics

Ryan Seacrest gets bit by a shark!Even though I’m quite guilty of refreshing the E! Online site every five minutes or so, I felt utterly compelled to share a story that they actually consider noteworthy.

The short article centers about none other than their very own, multi-talented, workaholic Ryan Seacrest. Earlier today on his Los Angeles KIIS FM talk show, the American Idol host recalled his recent weekend “shark scare” with listeners: “I was bitten by a shark. It swam up to me, and it took a bite, and then he left.”

As if this couldn’t get even more exciting, Ryan revealed that the “predator” was about the size of a cat and that the incident occurred a whopping four feet from the shore.

Unsure of whether the writer’s sarcasm was lost to me on their site or not, Peter Gicas ends the news flash with a near-mocking “Proof positive that nothing—even a fanged fish—can keep our man down.” Thanks a lot for nothing, Mr. Jaws.

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E! Online

Gallery: Sharks Don’t Like Ryan Seacrest, Either

Miley Cyrus is showing off too much skin in pictures and making viral YouTube videos. Disney darling Vanessa Hudgens weathered scandal for sending pics to another young star. Lindsay Lohan fell so far from grace so fast we still can’t find her career, and let’s not even start talking about the deterioration of Britney Spears.

What’s wrong with young Hollywood?

Many of them appear on the scene as cute kids, all smiles and freckles and age-appropriate movie roles. But as the years pass and adolescence sets in, they’re suddenly seen in clubs, car crashes and mug shots - even before they can legally vote in some cases. When kids who aren’t famous get into trouble, it’s easy to say it’s the fault of the parents or that society puts too much pressure on them - maybe it’s some flaw in the educational system. When kids who are in the spotlight get into trouble, it’s media fodder.

And it’s almost guaranteed to make the spotlight shine on them just a little bit brighter.

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VIP Breakdown

Gallery: What’s Wrong With Young Hollywood?

