On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Anne Hathaway , who learned how to Get Smart with Steve Carell last year, will soon figure out how to Get Happy, too.

The statuesque star will play screen and stage legend on both the stage and screen, in the upcoming adaptation of the star’s 2001 biography Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland. Hathaway is the first big name to be attached to the project, which is still in early stages. Though stage and movie rights have been purchased, no directors or writers have been tapped.

Read More | Entertainment Weekly

Gallery: Anne Hathaway to Get Happy


Hayden PanettiereHeroes star made an appearance at a red carpet fundraiser held by the Pacific Foundation, but the press got a little more than they bargained for when they tried to interview the young actress.

“Back up!” Panettiere reportedly shouted at photogs. According to , the actress became even more upset after posing for routine photos. When a reporter touched Panettiere on the shoulder, the actress allegedly shouted “don’t you ever touch me!”

Rumor has it that she then refused to speak to interviewers, saying only “you all make my life miserable,” before storming off the carpet. And maybe that statement is true…but, they also made her famous.

Read More | Popeater

Gallery: Hayden Panettiere: Red Carpet Meltdown

Britney Spears Papers were filed Monday with the L.A. Superior Court that have pretty well sealed the fate of one , who from now on will no longer be the captain of her own ship. That’s right - Daddy’s got control, and he’s going to keep it.

Jamie Spears has officially been awarded permanent conservatorship, or guardianship, of daughter Britney. He’ll determine what to do with her finances, career and personal life from now on…until the agreement is severed through death or the court system. Spears now has the legal right to pull the strings on Brit’s life, even to “restrict and limit visitors by any means.”

Seriously, does this sound a little ominous to anyone else?

Jamie Spears reportedly received a raise for his guardianship role recently, getting bumped up to $75 per hour. The raise gave him an income hike of about $51,000 annually. Now, he makes around 16 large per month just to hold Brit’s hand, tell her what to do and in general run her life. Basically, he’s getting paid to take care of his daughter. ...Is it me, or is that weird?

Lord Acton’s words from 1887 are often paraphrased into a famous quote which I think is relevant here:

“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Read More | LA Times

Gallery: Britney Spears: A Passenger in Her Own Life

Lindsay Lohan“I want to do all the things that will make me feel fulfilled. But whenever I do those things, people think it’s a press stunt or something.” This was only one of many things said to Lauren Hutton in her new piece with Interview Magazine. The cover shows Linds making a weird face, and the interview itself is supposed to offer a more intimate look at Lohan.

However, she spends most of her time complaining about the paps. “You know, my car accident that I got into, where I got my first charge, I wouldn’t have been speeding up like I was if I didn’t have people shoving cameras in my windows,” she explained.

So…why not just drop out of the biz entirely? In later comments, Lindsay offered a little insight into her own goals. “I wanted to be a movie star,” she admitted. “But, movie stars are not what they used to be.” Sister, you’re preachin’ to the choir on that one.

“I work just as hard as any other actress around my age,” Lindsay said, “but I just don’t get the opportunities that they get because people are so distracted by the mess that I created in my life.”

Read More | Interview Magazine

Gallery: Lindsay Lohan Wants More Opportunity

Princes William and Harry

of England has given her two famous grandsons something two young men can really appreciate: their own royal households.

For those of you without noble blood, the term “household” doesn’t necessarily refer to a place of residence but to a full-time staff. Between the two of them, the royal boys will share three main staff members who have their own small team of supporters. The job? To look after the princes’ military, public and charitable activities. St. James’s Palace will hold the household.

But the gifts don’t end there. To commemorate this newfound bit of prestige, each prince now has his own personal cypher. Think of it as a royal brand, a symbol to express their standing. Prince William’s cypher is the letter W in red, the same color as the cyphers belonging to his father and grandmother, with a coronet on top. Prince Harry’s cypher is blue, the same color as the one which once belonged to Princess Diana, featuring the letter H.

They’ve got logos, crowns and now their own personal staffers. It looks like the boy princes have finally become royal men.

Read More | Associated Press

Gallery: England’s Princes Gain Some Royal Clout

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson By now, the news that Sam Ronson and broke up after New Year’s has swept every gossip mag and celebrity Web site…but the center of the attention says it’s all just false gossip.

“…we did NOT break up!” Linds wrote on her MySpace blog. “Get your stories straight please.”

The couple has been surrounded by stories of loud, public arguments, and this isn’t the first time break up rumors have singled out the pair. As of today, at least, Linds and Sam are still an item.

Read More | E! Online

Gallery: Lindsay Lohan Denies Break Up Rumors

Jamie Lynn SpearsA good celebrity impersonator can make thousands of dollars an hour just for dressing up and acting like the world’s biggest stars. Adessa Eskeridge played only once, but hopes to get a staggering seven-figure paycheck for her work.

That’s right: she’s suing LAX (that’s the Los Angeles International Airport) for the cool sum of $2 million. Eskeridge was used by police as a Jamie Lynn decoy in September of 2008, though she claims they did so without her knowledge or consent.

Eskeridge’s lawyer claims that she was “not given any details as to the nature of the task or of the potential danger involved. She simply followed the instructions of the police as most good citizens would do.” He says his client was “deceived and manipulated” by the police, and “suffered and continues to suffer great humiliation” from this event. He says the situation is tantamount to a “false arrest.”

They’re requesting the 2 mill, but Eskeridge’s lawyer made it clear that she’s “willing to consider a reasonable and fair settlement that fully compensates her for the humiliation, fear and harassment.”

So, pay up, LAX, and the problem will magically go away.

Read More | MSNBC

Gallery: Jamie Lynn Spears Lookalike Sues LAX

Nicole RichieTwo years ago, photos of a terribly emaciated in a bikini traveled all over the Internet. The skinny star was ridiculed and reported upon for her bony, unhealthy appearance, very public friendship falling out and seemingly out-of-control ways.

Today, Richie looks like the perfect picture of a healthy, happy mother. Richie is often photographed with Harlow in tow and currently is looking fabulously filled-out and fashionable. It’s a wonder what a good thirty pounds will do for a girl.

Now, the star who once seemed to have no future at all is planning a wedding, and perhaps might add even more responsibility to her motherhood role. According to gossip, Richie and boyfriend Joel Madden might be thinking of adoption. “I’m definitely not against adopting,” Madden told recently. “I went to the Central African Republic and fell in love with the place. If I was going to adopt, it would probably be from there.”

Read More | Hollyscoop

Gallery: Nicole Richie’s Come a Long Way

Vanessa Hudgens has become the spokeswoman for Ecko Red, a ladies’ clothing line offered through Ecko Unlimited (you know - that’s the company that uses the rhinos).

Disney’s star looks all grown up in the new campaign, which features Hudgens showing off sexy poses and the latest fashions.

Read More | The Hollywood Gossip

Gallery: Vanessa Hudgens Puts a Face on Ecko Red

David ArchuletaFor several weeks, the teen and tween girls all over America carried on a TV love affair with baby-faced . The American Idol crooner swept in and stole hearts using nothing more than an “Aw, shucks” modesty and sweet smile.

Oh, yeah…and he’s got an exceptional singing voice. The women who adore him have to wait no more: David Archuleta, runner-up, has finally turned eighteen.

He can vote, he can do movies and TV without parental or guardian supervision…and he can legally marry or date anyone he pleases. The soft-spoken singer has been appearing on television a lot recently, cropping up for Christmas specials and other events. There is no doubt in my mind that he’ll also make an appearance on American Idol’s upcoming Season 8. His overwhelming popularity last year and newfound independence all but guarantee another performance on the big stage.

Read More | LA Times

Gallery: Calling All Ladies: Archuleta’s Eighteen!

