On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Natalie Portman -- Black Sawn

The Swangate scandal continues. Professional ballet dancer and Natalie Portman dancing double Sarah Lane is continuing to ruffle feathers with her claims that the Oscar winner barely danced in her award-winning film Black Swan, and now director Darren Aronofsky has joined the fray.

Lane has been very vocal with her claims that she did most of the dancing being featured in the film, though Portman’s husband-to-be and dance instructor Benjamin Millipied and Fox Searchlight have both gone public to say most of the moves onscreen are all Natalie. In a controversial move, videos that appeared on YouTube showing some CGI face-replacement (in which Portman’s face was laid on top of Sarah’s during dance sequences) have magically disappeared due to copyright infringement.

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Prince William, Prince HarrySo, how do you entertain a guy who will one day rule an entire country? We’ll never know. Prince William’s bachelor party, hosted by Best Man and younger brother Prince Harry, remains a rather hush-hush affair.

An official spokesman had little enough to share, saying only that the King-to-be “has enjoyed his stag [party] and it was in the U.K.” British people call bachelor parties stag parties, by the way.

We’ll have to rely on rumor to learn more. Reports say that the Prince and about 20 close friends enjoyed a weekend affair that included water activities (waterskiing, motorboat-racing), a night out at the pubs (bars, to you Americans) and then they winded down at a lavish country manor.

Not a bad way to say good-bye to being single. We're following all the details of the royal wedding, so keep checking back to stay up-to-date on all the official events and unofficial gossip.

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Lindsay LohanWhat is an unemployed actress to do while she awaits her trial for a stolen $2,500 necklace? Concern herself with more important matters like dropping her last name, of course!

Lindsay Lohan keeps the tabloid spotlight on herself with the announcement -- via her mother, Dina -- that she will be dropping her last name. Madonna, Beyonce, and Prince do it, sure, but isn't it only acceptable if you're a musical artist (or... Fabio)?

"Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay... Plus, me and [younger daughter] Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan," Dina explained.

A source close to the family sheds some light on the rationale behind the name game.

"It's a way for them all to start over. No one in the family want anything to do with Lindsay's father [Michael Lohan] anymore and that includes sharing a last name."

So what does the ever-hopeful Papa Lohan have to say about all this hubbub regarding contempt for his surname?

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Elizabeth Taylor dies

Screen legend Elizabeth Taylor was buried in an intimate funeral service on Thursday. The Hollywood icon was interred in the famed Forest Lawn Cemetery, final resting place for many of the entertainment industry’s elite.

The funeral started 15 minutes after it was scheduled to begin, as Taylor requested that her services start late. She asked that someone make light of this fact, joking that “She even wanted to be late for her own funeral.” And her wishes were honored in a fitting, private tribute.

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Elizabeth TaylorThe Westboro Baptist Church, an infamously anti-homosexual organization, plans to stage a protest at Elizabeth Taylor’s funeral -- which hasn’t even been scheduled yet.

Margie Phelps, daughter of Pastor Fred Phelps, broke the news via Twitter. She tweeted that “Elizabeth Taylor is in hell as sure as you’re reading this & getting mad as a wet hen. She should've obeyed God. Too late!”

She added that there would be “No RIP,” rest in peace for Taylor, “who spent her life in adultery and enabling proud fags.” She added that “#Westboro will picket funeral!”

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Lindsay Lohan - Court white dressTurns out, Lindsay Lohan didn’t need to wait out the judge’s March 25 deadline -- she’s already made her mind up about the plea deal.

And, it’s a no go. Linds made her wishes known on Wednesday by refusing to take jail time, though she would have served approximately 19 days, in favor of taking the case to trial. Lindsay Lohan is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on April 22. This will determine whether or not she should be charged with felony grand theft for allegedly stealing a necklace totaling $2,500.

The ruling could go badly for Lohan. If it is decided that she should stand trial, she could be immediately found guilty of violating her probation -- which will result in jail time anyway. It’ll be Lindsay’s fourth stint in the pokey.

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Gallery: Plea Deal Rejected! Lindsay Lohan Will Go to Trial

Elizabeth Taylor

One of the world’s brightest stars has burned out. Movie legend Elizabeth Taylor, 79, is dead. Of late, Taylor had been suffering with congestive heart failure.

Taylor’s career is unequalled in all of Hollywood. Born in London, England to American parents, she became a hugely successful child actress at age 12 with National Velvet. Her career was unstoppable from then on.

She appeared on more than 50 films and created a resume peppered with notable roles. Taylor won two Academy Awards, for her work in Butterfield 8 and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, but she also gained acclaim for A Place in the Sun, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Cleopatra.

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Britney Spears on tourWhile Britney Spears may have finally made her true comeback, a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) handed out to her dancers proves that the Princess of Pop is still not in control of her own life.

In the document, a dancer "acknowledges that it is essential that [Britney] not be exposed to any alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances." The NDA goes on to read that dancers could face random drug tests; if they fail or refuse to take them, they risk losing their job.

Partying sober with Britney Spears? Talk about a paradox!

She may be 29 years-old, but her management finds it necessary to treat her like a 9 year-old; even Miley Cyrus gets more freedom than Britney.

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Gallery: Britney Spears Dancers Ordered Not to Give Her Drugs, Alcohol

Lindsay Lohan partying in New YorkAlleged jewel thief and multiple rehab-goer Lindsay Lohan -- whom we’re told made movies, once upon a time -- was spotted club-hopping in New York City this week. The actress celebrity visited two different establishments, but according to eyewitnesses she didn’t have an alcoholic drop to drink.

Lohan told reporters that she was out with a friend, a club owner, and that she “did not drink.” 

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Gallery: Lindsay Lohan Goes Clubbing in NYC

Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus“I want to put my family back together,” Billy Ray Cyrus, one-hit wonder and father to Miley Cyrus, will tell The View on Friday. “Things are the best they’ve ever been.” Thanks to the recent progress, Billy Ray will put a halt to his divorce plans and stay in his marriage (which, so far, has lasted 17 years).

“I feel like I got my Miley back, in a way,” he revealed at the Thursday taping. “I feel like we are the daddy and daughter that we were before Hannah Montana happened.” Minus a few years, some questionable photos and a salvia-smoking scandal, of course.

Billy Ray and wife Tish issued a joint statement about their disintegrating marriage in October. In a later interview with GQ, the country singer blamed Hannah Montana for “destroying” his family.

But on The View, he’ll change his tune. “I don’t think Hannah Montana ruined my family,” he backpedaled. “Now fame, fame is a different animal. You’ve got to be careful with that thing.” Or, so he’s heard.

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