Sunday September 6, 2009 4:41 am Aims for Miami Dolphins
After jumping from record tracks to the big screen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, now aims for sports, proclaiming his desire to become an American football player.
The “Boom Boom Pow” rapper has taken to his blog to beg for a chance to try out for the Miami Dolphins: “I always wanted to play football, from the age of 10—that was my dream. I always loved the game of American football. I’m sad that I never followed my football dreams. Lately I’ve been thinking, is it too late to do it now? No way! I want to try out for the Miami Dolphins.”
The 34-year-old star goes on to boast about how quickly he can run—he even challenges 100m sprint world record holder Usain Bolt to a race—claiming his prowess would be an asset to any team.
Referring to former Atlanta Falcons running back Jamal Anderson, claimed, “I’m very fast, beyond fast. I’ve raced Jamal Anderson and I smoked his a*s. I am extremely fast and I’m proud of it. I take pride in my cheetah speed. So I want to put this talent to use.”
- Related Tags:
- black eyed peas, career, football, jamal anderson, miami dolphins, music, musicians, quotes, will i am,
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