On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Thursday September 3, 2009 4:42 am

Sandra Bullock’s Special Lisp

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Rants,

Sandra BullockSandra Bullock is having second thoughts on her childhood life choices, wishing she had embraced her lisp.

The All About Steve star is angry “society” forced her to correct her speech impediment when she was a child instead of accepting that “flaws” make people “special.” The 45-year-old star explained:

“When I was eight and had my speech impediment I wish someone had said to me, ‘Don’t change. Be who you are.’ But society is really strong in their opinions. I had a lisp that I had to get rid of, and I had to have speech therapy. I just think, ‘Why? Why did I need to get rid of a lisp?’ It’s that whole, ‘What is normal?’ thing. Why can’t we embrace people as they are? I wish I had realized that the things I thought were weaknesses and flaws were just me. They are unique traits that make special human beings.”

Sandra also blames sexism for making women feel bad about their bodies and personalities: “Why is it that young boys and men are unique and eccentric and are mavericks when they’re different, but women are odd when we are eccentric or different? It’s just not fair.”



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