Saturday April 14, 2012 1:34 pm
Ryan O’Neal Has Prostate Cancer
Ryan O'Neal is suffering from prostate cancer.The 70-year-old actor - who has previously battled leukemia - admits he was shocked to discover he had the disease but is expecting to make a full recovery as it was discovered early.
"Recently I was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer. Although I was shocked and stunned by the news, I feel fortunate that it was detected early and according to my extraordinary team of doctors the prognosis is positive for a full recovery," he told People.
Ryan - who lost his partner Farrah Fawcett to anal cancer in 2009 - added he was grateful to his family for their support and urged people to go and get tested for the disease: "I am deeply grateful for the support of my friends and family during this time, and I urge everyone to get regular check-ups, as early detection is the best defence against this horrible disease that has afflicted so many."
Ryan was treated in the late 1990s for leukemia. He is soon to release a memoir about his life with Farrah entitled Both of Us, which is due for release in early May.
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- cancer, health issues, ryan o'neal, ryan o'neal, ryan o'neal, ryan o'neal
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