Thursday March 8, 2012 2:10 am
Rihanna’s Dad Told Her to Diet
Rihanna's dad told her to lose weight - because she was getting "too fat."
The "You Da One" singer has recently shed a quite a few pounds and her father, Ronald Fenty, believes he was the one who inspired her after telling her she looked fat.
"I actually thought she was a little fat the last time I saw her. But when I saw her at this year's Grammys, I thought she was back to her normal size. I used to joke with her, 'Robyn, [Rihanna's first name], you're getting too fat.' But I think she's fine. I think she looked excellent, as everyone saw, at the Grammys. She's dieting, she's working out," said Ronald, who has a turbulent relationship with his famous daughter.
Ronald also revealed how he is fine with the fact Rihanna may have rekindled her romance with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, despite him being convicted of assaulting her in 2009: "Chris is a nice guy and everybody's entitled to make mistakes in their life - God knows how many I've made. She's her own woman now."
- Related Tags:
- celebrity couples, chris brown, diets, health issues, parents, rihanna, ronald fenty
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