Saturday August 18, 2012 2:51 am
No Jail For Jenna Jameson in DUI Case
Jenna Jameson won't face jail time following her arrest for driving under the influence.
The former porn actress pleaded guilty yesterday to one charge of DUI following an incident in which she crashed her car into a lamppost in Orange County, California, on May 25 but won't spend any time behind bars according to gossip website
She was arrested following the incident when she was asked to take a field sobriety test and failed it by showing signs of intoxication. Prosecutors in Orange County say tests showed her blood-alcohol level was .05 percent above the legal state limit.
Jenna originally pleaded not guilty to the charge and another of driving without a valid license, but the second count was dropped due to her guilty plea.
At the time of her arrest, Jenna is said to have had alcohol and prescription drugs zolpidem (Ambien) and buprenorphine (Suboxone) in her car.
The 38-year-old sex symbol suffered minor injuries in the accident. The star raises three-year-old twin boys, Jesse and Journey, with former UFC champion Tito Ortiz.
- Related Tags:
- charges, drugs, drunk driving, duis, jenna jameson, legal issues, porn stars, prescription drugs, prescription medications
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