Thursday September 13, 2012 2:08 am
Michael Madsen Hospitalized After Arrest
Michael Madsen was taken to hospital following his arrest.
The Kill Bill actor was charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Malibu, California on Wednesday after police found him to be twice the legal limit but rather than go straight to jail, Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore told RadarOnline he was taken to a nearby hospital. Michael - who had a blood alcohol level of .20, with the limit set at .08 - underwent a medical evaluation at the facility.
The gossip website also reported an empty beer bottle was found on the passenger seat of his car, which has since been impounded.
Michael was arrested in March on felony charges of child endangerment with cruelty to a child after an argument with one of his sons at his Malibu home. Mug shot pictures of the star - who shares the house with his wife Deanna and their three sons - showed him looking disheveled and Sheriff's Deputy Peter Gomez confirmed, "He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol." However, the case was not taken any further due to insufficient evidence.
- Related Tags:
- alcohol, arrests, duis, health issues, hospitalizations, medical issues, michael madsen
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