Friday May 11, 2012 11:33 pm
Matthew Fox Charged with Two Misdemeanors
Lost star Matthew Fox has been charged with two misdemeanors following his arrest last week.
The 45-year-old actor was stopped in the early hours of last Friday morning after an officer noticed his vehicle was not signaling properly or staying in lane with traffic and then determined he had been drinking.
A spokesperson at the Deschutes County, Oregon, District Attorney's office told People magazine that although he was released later that day, on Wednesday, the 45-year-old actor was charged with driving under the influence (DUI) and driving without a license. His arraignment hearing is set for June 7.
The actor lives in nearby Bend, Oregon, with his family - wife of 10 years Margherita Ronchi and their two children, daughter Kyle and son Byron.
- Related Tags:
- arrests, charges, drunk driving, duis, matthew fox, misdemeanors
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