Sunday September 6, 2009 11:44 pm
Maggie Gyllenhaal Admires Kate Winslet
Maggie Gyllenhaal looks to Kate Winslet for parenting skills.
The 31-year-old actress, who has two-year-old daughter Ramona with husband Peter Sarsgaard, is in awe of the way the Revolutionary Road actress raises her two children.
“I try to protect my personal life, and most of all my daughter. But I also recall things people I admire have said in print that have helped me. I’ve thought, ‘Oh, wow, Kate Winslet thinks that way about parenting,’ or, ‘Meryl Streep thinks that about acting.’ So I do also believe that it’s good to let a little bit out.”
Despite wanting to reveal some aspects of her private life to her fans, Maggie is not interested in hearing what people think about her. Referring to internet search engine Google, she explained, “You can’t go and Google yourself. You just can’t. It doesn’t feel good. Just step away from Google, absolutely. How can you ever choose things in your life that will please everyone? The same goes for reviews. I can do work I’m proud of, but then people don’t like it and it just ties you up in knots.”
- Related Tags:
- google, kate winslet, maggie gyllenhaal, parenting, quotes
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