Monday March 19, 2012 2:16 pm
Lindsay Lohan Will Stay at Home Until End of Probation
Lindsay Lohan has reportedly put herself under house arrest.
The actress is two weeks from the end of her probation period - which is connected to her 2007 arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) - and has made the decision to stay at home until it is over, so there is absolutely no chance she can get into any trouble, according to
The news comes after the Mean Girls actress was accused of hitting the manager of a Hollywood nightclub with her black Porsche last Thursday, a claim she strongly denied.
After the incident friends are said to have begged the 25-year-old star to stay at home until March 29, when her probation is due to end. Until that time Lindsay - who has been in jail and rehab on several occasions since the start of her legal troubles five years ago - has now agreed only to leave home to complete community service at the Los Angeles County morgue.
- Related Tags:
- community service, house arrest, legal issues, lindsay lohan, probation, rumor, rumors
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