Saturday June 15, 2013 6:59 pm
Lindsay Lohan Continues to Flourish
Lindsay Lohan has never been better, according to her mother Dina Lohan.
The 26-year-old actress left the Betty Ford clinic in Rancho Mirage, California, on Wednesday to complete her 90-days of court-ordered treatment at Cliffside Malibu, with the approval of her lawyers, prosecutors and a judge, and her mother believes she will continue to flourish now she is in a more suitable rehab program.
In a message to a fan on Twitter on Friday night, Dina explained why the Scary Movie V star decided to swap facilities, writing, "Betty Ford was amazing and it is a 30 day program .....linds is now moving forward to a place she can continue flourish (Sic)" When asked by another fan whether the actress is doing okay at the moment, her mother replied, "She has never been better thank you."
Other sources close to the Liz & Dick actress recently said she told anyone who would listen that she was miserable at Betty Ford. "It's detrimental to my safety and sobriety here," she reportedly.
The troubled starlet is said to have let everyone know how much she "hated" her time at there and stopped at nothing to make sure she could leave as soon as possible. "Lindsay hated the Betty Ford Center. She made it clear that she did not want to be there and that she was going to get out of there any way that she could," an insider previously said.
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- addictions, betty ford clinic, celebrity parents, dina lohan, drug addictions, gossip, health, health issues, lindsay lohan, rehab, rehabilitation, rumor, rumors, twitter
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