Thursday December 22, 2011 7:46 am
Kris Humphries Booed at Basketball Game
Kris Humphries was booed as he returned to the basketball court last night.
The 26-year-old sportsman received a harsh reception from the 20,000-strong crowd at New York's Madison Square Garden as he played his first pre-season game since splitting from Kim Kardashian, who filed for divorce in October after just 72 days of marriage.
Kris was a free agent during the summer before signing an $8 million deal this week to return to NBA side the New Jersey Nets - and he admitted his time with the 31-year-old socialite had been a "learning experience." When asked what was different when he was last with the team in April, he said, "Well, there is a lot less paparazzi here. I definitely had a lot going on. It was a learning experience. I hadn't been through anything like that before. Life just happens. As long as you're focused and pay attention to life, everything is easier. I learned that I put my faith in God, my family and basketball. I feel now like I'm home again."
Kris and Kim moved to New York earlier this year in the search for a new club, but he is now "glad to be back" in New Jersey, despite suffering a double blow last night as his side lost 88-82 to the New York Knicks. "I'm excited to be back. It's good to see the guys again. Although it's a one-year deal, I'm happy and motivated. I think if you ask any player, they all would want a max contract with the longest terms. But I'm happy with the deal and glad to be back," he said.
- Related Tags:
- athletes, basketball, kim kardashian, kris humphries, new jersey nets, sports
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