Wednesday January 6, 2010 12:02 am
Kim Cattrall Doesn’t Know How to Approach Men
Kim Cattrall says she’s not as ballsy as Samantha Jones.
The Sex and the City actress - who split from chef Alan Wyse last July after five years together - insists she isn’t confident enough to approach men herself and can’t understand how other women do it.
“I could not go into a bar and pick up a man - that is so foreign to me it’s not even in my hemisphere. I am totally insecure. That is predatory behavior, and I don’t consider myself a predator. In fact, I feel sometimes that I am the pursued,” Cattrall claimed.
The 53-year-old star - who has been married three times - admits she is only just getting used to her single status but has started dating again, despite finding it difficult conducting her personal life in the public eye.
“Am I enjoying my freedom? I’m not sure if I’m there yet. I’ve been so busy since we split that I haven’t had much time to adjust,” she added to You magazine. “I’m starting to date; it feels all right. It’s very hard to be private about that. Whenever you step out for a drink or dinner, whomever you’re with becomes your latest beau. Which is a bit of a laugh for my gay friends.”
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- dating, dating scene, kim cattrall
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