Friday October 25, 2013 10:41 am
Kerry Washington: I Don’t Drink Alcohol
Kerry Washington doesn't drink alcohol.
The 36-year-old star admits she only indulges in booze on special occasions as she likes to keep a clear head in every situation, and would rather steer away from the high amount of calories embedded in an alcoholic beverage. Speaking to the New York Post newspaper, she said, "I actually live quietly. Work hard. Get bored easily. Don't drink. Who needs those empty calories? I watch what I eat. I train, do pilates. I drink maybe twice a year."
While the Emmy Award-nominated actress insists she likes to maintain a healthy diet, she previously admitted she suffers from severe allergies to a lot of food types and must travel with an EpiPen - a syringe containing epinephrine used to treat allergic reactions - at all times. "Most people do not know about this but I carry an EpiPen with me almost everywhere I go because I have a lot of food allergies, like fatal food allergies, that if I eat these things, I could wind up dying in an emergency room somewhere. So I always have an EpiPen. It's not sexy, but I'm being honest, I have an EpiPen in my bag," she explained.
- Related Tags:
- alcohol, diets, food, health, interviews, kerry washington, nutrition
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