Tuesday February 4, 2014 2:29 am
Keira Knightley Wouldn’t Be a “Stay-at-Home” Mom
Keira Knightley wouldn't give up her career for children.
The actress isn't thinking about starting a family just yet but - while she insisted it isn't for her - she believes men and women should be allowed to be "stay-at-home" parents without being criticized: "Would I want to be a stay-at-home mother? No. On the other hand, you should be allowed to do that, as should men, without being sneered at."
The 28-year-old star also wants equality to extend past family life and into Hollywood, but she believes the film industry is still very much a man's world. "There aren't that many female roles. There are way fewer than there are for en and that's always been the case, so there's a lot of competition and a lot of wonderful actresses," she added.
However, she felt no pressure being surrounded by male stars in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and she got on very well with the rest of the cast. When asked if she was daunted, Keira said, "Gosh! Should I have been? Generally speaking, with this genre you are the only woman in it. But no, I didn't feel weight on my shoulders. I got on well with all the guys and that's nice."
- Related Tags:
- careers, celebrity babies, celebrity kids, celebrity parents, family, feminism, feminist issues, interviews, james righton, keira knightley, parenting
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