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Monday April 23, 2012 2:49 pm

Josh Hutcherson Names Puppy After Ryan Gosling

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Features,

Josh Hutcherson and his new puppyJosh Hutcherson has named his puppy after Ryan Gosling.

The 19-year-old Hunger Games star adopted a Blue Pit puppy from a rescue center last week and decided to call it Driver, after one of Ryan's film characters. "I'm obsessed with the movie Drive, and Ryan Gosling's character was named Driver. I always thought it was a good name for a dog so it just kind of worked out," he said.

The actor is looking forward to "taking it easy" for the next few months, after being worked into the ground by ex-Navy Seal Logan Hood to bulk up for his role in The Hunger Games:

"[Logan] just kicks ass. [He had me] flipping tires the parking lot and slamming baseball bats against body bags - crazy things! It was so unconventional, and you're working muscles you didn't even know you had. You're like, 'How am I possibly this sore?' I felt like with Logan, I was sore for four days afterwards, and we worked out five days a week, so I was in a constant state of soreness!"



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