Tuesday December 6, 2011 12:27 pm
Johnny Depp’s Guards Accused of Tackling Woman
Johnny Depp is wanted for questioning by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) regarding an alleged incident involving his bodyguards and a disabled woman.
The Rum Diary actor attended an Iggy Pop concert at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles last Thursday and 52-year-old Robyn Ecker alleges his minders grabbed her wrists and wrestled her to the ground after she danced too close to his table in the VIP section of the venue.
Following the incident, Robyn - who paid $600 each for the tickets as a birthday present for her husband - went to hospital to check she hadn't been badly injured, and then filed a complaint with the LAPD. Officers are now trying to get in touch with Johnny and his bodyguards in order to interview them. According to TMZ.com, Robyn's assistant confirmed she and her party had been drinking during the evening, while a law enforcement source claimed she was drunk when she made her complaint.
- Related Tags:
- assault, bodyguards, concerts, iggy pop, johnny depp, lawsuits, legal issues, robyn ecker, tmz
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