Thursday September 13, 2012 3:29 pm
Joe Simpson Pleads Not Guilty to DUI
Joe Simpson has pleaded not guilty to driving under the influence (DUI).
The showbiz patriarch - father of Ashlee and Jessica Simpson - claimed in a Los Angeles court room today he was not driving after drinking alcohol last month, despite blowing .12 on the breathalyzer, .04 higher than the legal limit. According to, Joe is due back in court in October.
Joe - who is also a manager to both of his daughters - was stopped by officers on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, at around 10pm on August 4 and the police thought he was intoxicated so arrested him. He was booked and spent the rest of the night in a cell. He was released at 9:41am the following day and did not have to post bail. He was later charged with two misdemeanor counts of DUI.
If convicted on both counts, he could face a year in jail, but because it was his first offense he is more likely to face a $1,000 fine and 36 months probation.
- Related Tags:
- alcohol, celebrity parents, charges, court, duis, joe simpson, legal issues, misdemeanors, sidefeatured
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