Wednesday August 15, 2012 6:22 pm
Joe Simpson Charged with DUI
Joe Simpson has been charged with driving under the influence (DUI).
The showbiz patriarch - who is the father-and-manager of Ashlee and Jessica Simpson - was arrested on August 4 in California and the Los Angeles City Attorney has now filed two misdemeanor counts of DUI against him, which carry a maximum sentence of six months in prison. If convicted of both counts, Joe - who blew .12 on a breathalyzer test, .04 higher than the legal limit - could also face up to 36 months probation and a $1,000 fine.
Joe's case is scheduled to go before a judge later this month.
Joe was stopped by officers on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, at around 10pm on August 4 and the police thought he was intoxicated so arrested him. He was booked and spent the rest of the night in a cell. He was released at 9:41am the following day and did not have to post bail.
- Related Tags:
- alcohol, celebrity parents, drunk, drunk driving, duis, joe simpson, legal issues
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